How To Have a Lazy Day

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Have you ever been so utterly stressed out that you had to step aside for a few moments and close your eyes, pretending you’re somewhere else entirely? There are many things in life that I look forward to. Through tedious tasks each day, I can’t help but daydream about the things that I would most prefer to be doing. Sometimes it could be as simple as enjoying a coffee ice cream shake. For the most part, however, I fantasize about my favorite non-food items. A warm, sunny day with a gentle breeze. A picnic at my favorite brook. Long road trips with great tunes and a friend. Though these are all fantastic ideas, I have to say that there is one day-off activity that I am an utter expert at: the ultimate retreat: the lazy day on the couch. Expert planning of a lazy day on the couch includes procuring the necessary items, food, and attire.

There are many components to the perfect day. Firstly, you must have the necessary items to make a lazy day just that- LAZY. These items include, but are not limited to, a wide assortment of movies and books. In order to completely anticipate the fluctuating moods and interests of a lazy lounger- there have to be at least six genres of movies. Action, romance, comedy, horror, suspense, and mystery. Books have to be varied- but not necessary by genre. I usually like to have at least three of my favorite old stand-bys, and two or three new books that are waiting to be read. Without these things, you run the risk of becoming bored and lazy- which is not nearly as much fun as just being lazy. Extra blankets and poufy pillows for the couch are a must. There is no lee-way on that subject. Without squashy pillows, the lazy day becomes an uncomfortable fiasco. I hope you’re keeping notes here.... very im...

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...e comfort is absolutely necessary. Slippers are an added bonus, but socks will do. Slipper socks are fabulous, as they can be worn under the extra blankets. If you have long hair, it must be put up in a pony tail.

Days spent relaxing are therapeutic and stress relieving. Sometimes the only thing that gets me through a tough day is visualizing the next blissful lazy day. I love nothing more than snuggling on the couch with my puppies and watching cheesy chick flicks. If you use the expert lazy day planning for items, food, and attire, you can experience the ultimate bliss of down-time. Those unproductive hours are sometimes more beneficial than hours of therapy. Having time to de-stress and unwind is something a lot of people can rarely allow themselves. But even if it is only a few hours- I highly recommend lazing. A little ‘me’ time never hurt anyone. Enjoy it.

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