Importance Of Spending Time In Nature Essay

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Most of us are aware that spending time in nature is good for us. Not so many, however, can say exactly why this is the case. Although understanding the exact reasons why the natural world can positively influence your general well-being isn’t going to increase the benefit, it might just inspire you to get out there and spend more time in our planet’s very own, natural quality-of-life-enhancer - nature itself. Below, we’ve listed five of these reasons in hope of doing just that…

Exercise - The Planet’s Biggest, Open-Air Gym!
Spending time in the outdoors and getting in some healthy exercise tend to go hand in hand. From a gentle walk in the woods to canoeing in a lake to hitting the trails in our national or state parks, the great outdoors …show more content…

We’re now working more and spending more time connected to ‘stressors’ such as phones, tablets and computers than ever before, and the corresponding increase in anxiety, stress and mental overload has meant that true relaxation is a luxury very few of us get to experience. Getting off the grid and leaving those emails and messages behind is almost a sure-fire way to help you unwind and truly take a breather. Doing so not only gives your brain time to ‘switch-off’ and normalize, but has been shown to significantly reduce cortisol levels and lower heart …show more content…

Our lifestyles are more sedentary than at any other time in human history and our diets richer, our portions bigger, and calories far more easily come by than was the case for our ancestors. As a result, our waistlines have ‘evolved’ correspondingly. Basically, we’re getting fat! As we all know, the consequences of weight gain are not merely aesthetic or visual, and piling on a few extra pounds can lead to far more serious health issues such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure, not to mention the toll it can have on your self-esteem. While heading into the outdoors isn’t a guarantee of weight loss, when combined with a healthy diet it is a far more effective calorie-killer, we’re sure you’ll agree, than sitting on your ass and running the risk of succumbing to a dose of sitting disease

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