How Surface Area Affects the Rate of Transpiration of Leaves

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How Surface Area Affects the Rate of Transpiration of Leaves

To show that transpiration did occur on a leaf we did a preliminary

experiment. We took two plants, and set them in a bell jar, one of the

plants was cut beneath its leaves, so that we could show that if it

did transpire it would be from the leaves and not the stem. The

experiment was set up like this:

Water appeared on the side of the bell jar, this shows that

transpiration does occur through the leaves of a plant.

For the method we are going to use to see if surface area affects the

size of a leaf we are going make sure that we keep the leaves in the

same conditions at all time, because light, wind or temperature might

affect it. So we are keeping the leaves away from the window and we

also will shut the windows, but we can't do much about that so we will

presume that the temperature will be kept constant. I think that our

results will show that surface area will not make any difference to

the amount perspired, even if a bigger leaf might have more

chlorophyll. I think that this will happen because I think that the

even if one leaf perspires faster in the end they would have perspired

the same amount.

I took 3 leaves of different shapes and took down their mass; we took

their mass on a weighing scale of two decimal points as it is more

accurate. We then hanged them up on a threat with a peg. The thread

was hold up by two stands and we let them be for 20 minutes. After 20

minutes we took the 3 leaves down and took down their mass again. We

did this 3 times, so we have 3 readings. All the way through we made

sure that the leaves were held at a distance so that if they did

touched it might have affected our readings. We only could do 3

readings as we only had a double lesson to do this experiment and if

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