How English Language Changed Over Time

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Nothing ever stays the same for very long. As time passes, people, places, and ideas develop and change in a variety of ways. The english language is spoken and written so differently today that you probably could not speak understand its earliest incarnation. English has evolved and continues to evolved due to a multitude of reasons. The english language has changed and developed over time due to the way the lanuguage is used, the way the language is spread, and the development and advancement of new technology. Languages are spoken and written differently depending on the location it is being used in. For example, Spanish has a multitude of language tweaks and changes that vary from country to country. English shares this trait as no two English - speaking countries use it the same way. In Britain, a person may call you thick or thick headed if you say or do something deemed inappropriate. In the United States, on the other hand, you would simply be called out as an idiot. New ways of expressing the same idea continue to appear based on the social norms or culture of the area. Another thing to consider is people like distinctiveness, and "language distinctiveness can be achieved vocabulary, pronunciation, ... and so on" ( …show more content…

When African Americans were brought to the British colonies as slaves, they were introduced to a foreign language they had never heard of before. Their own native language was mixed in to create a brand new dialect unique to them. This applies to any situation in which non - English speakers are introduced to it for the first time. In these situations, "languages often borrow words, sounds, constructions and so on" ( New technology helps to spread not only English and many other languages all over the

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