How Could Your Chosen Artwork Reflect The Time In Which It Was Created?

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1. How could your chosen artwork reflect the time in which it was created? What was happening during this time that could have influenced your artist? Explain by giving an example.
Andy Warhol, who is the artist of “The Marilyn diptych”, had made more than 20 silkscreen paintings of Marilyn, all based on the same photo. This artwork reflects the time it was made because in the same year that the painting was made (1962), Marilyn had committed suicide, and was quite popular in America, due to her death and her music.

2. How does your chosen artwork visually express the culture that it came from?
For example, does the subject matter come from a particular place, is it the type of colours used, is it inspired from a specific popular cultural form, etc? …show more content…

In America, there are many trends that have been portrayed in this artwork, for example, there was a trend for tight neat curls, which Marilyn is wearing, and also, Marilyn herself was a trend, as she was one of the most popular celebrities in America.

3. Choose 3 of the Elements of Art to analyse your chosen artwork. Using arts language, explain how the artist has used the Elements in the creation of their artwork. Refer to where you can see this in the artwork.
The intensity of the artwork is near the center of the face, and near the bottom of the face, there are more blacks and darker tones to show the shadows. Andy Warhol has used a variety of different colours and tones, for example, he has used yellows, pinks, blues, reds, blacks and greens to show the trends of the 60’s.
In the Marilyn Diptych, Warhol has made Marilyn’s face the most salient thing, and that her face (including hair) takes up majority of the

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