How Cheating Is Viewed By Social Media

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In modern society, cheating has become a social norm. Everywhere you look, whether it’s on showsTV, movies or social media; cheating has become so normalized in our daily lives. This doesn’t necessarily have to be bad thing though. The act of cheating has been known to be a confidence and self esteem booster for individuals in relationships. Think of it as ‘security options’ instead of deceiving your spouse. There are many people who believe it is harmful and ruins relationships but if you think on your own, without the influence of media; you will see that it’s actually quite the opposite. These days, I believe people think love is only the kind they see on TV or in books and social media. Regardless of how cheating is viewed by the public, it is actually one of the key components to building a healthier relationship with your significant other and yourself. …show more content…

According to Molly Fosco, a writer for The Huffington Post, “The idea that human beings are not biologically designed to be with one person for our entire lives seems to be quite prevalent in modern, western culture.” Even in today’s culture, people seem to be so stuck on the relationships they see on media that they don’t realize they are being brainwashed. Most of us only believe something is good because we see the majority of people believe it too. Think outside the box and be open minded. You’d be surprised when you hear all the benefits that come from cheating. In this case, the benefits greatly outweigh the harm. For some people, being able to have multiple spouses at the same time is a big confidence booster. It increases their self-esteem and makes them feel attractive. This might not be a big deal but to insecure people, cheating can really help boost their moral. While those who are being cheated on might lose their self-confidence, they can just as easily gain it back by going out and meeting new

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