Homosexuality Amongst the Clergy

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Homosexuality Amongst the Clergy

What could be more controversial right now than the issue of homosexuality amongst the clergy? This topic has engrossed the media as well as the discussions around the world. Important figures around the globe, both political and spiritual leaders, have spoken both for and against the practice. Recent scandals have not helped the situation, even though homosexuality has been a force in the clergy since the early days of Christianity. One thing is for sure, in this uncertain time: the lines in the sand have been drawn and the battle for the rights of homosexual clergymen has begun.

The present-day world has changed greatly since the birth of Christianity. Through two millennia there has been social and spiritual changes in nearly every society. We have seen an abolishment of slavery in most of the world, women’s rights, animal rights, the rise and fall of numerous totalitarian government, and more recently an increased acceptance of gay men and women in nearly all walks of life. One thing that has not been accepted on such a great scale is the fact that homosexuality can occur in all walks of life, including that of the clergy. As written by Amanda Ripley in “Inside the Church’s Closet,” the percentage of gay priest may range from 15% to as much as 50%. In her interview with Franciscan priest, Jay Pinkerton, he explains, “I knew I didn’t want to get married, and I loved the church. I had thought about it since I was a kid, and it felt like a safe place. I wouldn’t have to worry about my sexuality. Nobody would expect that I would date.” Pinkerton goes on the say that as many as three-hundred of the four-hundred priests in his parish were gay.


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...al Roman Catholic stance is that homosexuality is a disorder, and any priest openly dissenting from that view may lose his priesthood. Overall, the church itself is not supportive of even it’s own people.

Across the globe, society is becoming supportive and understanding of homosexuality. A change is happening now that will end with more equality amongst our fellow men. Slowly the church is changing it’s long held view on the topic, but on a greater scale is still binding to doctrines of ignorance and distaste fro the different. Change has always been slow in the church’s history, and this controversial topic is no different. Maybe one day the church will accept all men and women as just that: people. The church teaches that God loves one and all, regardless of their transgressions. If God can accept homosexuality, then why can’t the church?

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