Concerns in the Catholic Church

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Concerns in the Catholic Church

Sexual abuse is a growing concern in society today. So many people are hurt by the actions of other people when they abuse them, especially in a sexual manner. The Catholic Church is also now being targeted for sexual offenders. Priests have been charged with sexually abusing young boys that are involved with the church. The church has been looking the other way on this issue for many years. The children as well as their family are being hurt and its time something was done to prevent the further exploitation of young boys in the Catholic Church.

When a person or a family chooses to participate in a religion, it is usually a big decision which entails much thought and consideration. Catholics believe that Jesus died for their sins, so that they could live. Practicing Catholics, one must follow the ways of the 10 commandments described in the bible. They attend mass and hear the readings from the priests, by which they have much respect for. Priests or Deacons are supposedly the messengers of God, and in turn they instruct their people how to act through the words of Jesus. How do you think a person would react when they hear the news that one of their priests did sexual acts to little boys? The allegations of priests molesting little boys has been rampant for many years, but nothing could hit harder when the priest actually came from their own church, especially if a family had young children who participated in the masses. The urgency to leave the parish might arise, just as Suzanne Keen did with her parish, especially having children who she wanted to protect. When the escalation of the rumors surfaced, she first ignored it as many people did. How could be chu...

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... offenders.

Works Cited

Briggs, David., et al. Assessing Men Who Sexually Abuse. United Kingdom: Jessica Kingsly Publishers, 1998.

Cannon, Carol. “The Priest Scandal.” American Journalism Review 24.4 (2002): 1-3

Keen, Suzanne. Ruddy, Deborah Wallace. “To Stay or To Leave?” Commonweal 130.15 (2003): 1

Mayer, Adele. Sexual Abuse: Causes, Consequences and Treatment of Incestuous and Pedophilic Acts. Holmes Beach: Learning Publications, 1985.

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