Holy Trinity Research Paper

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Throughout the beginning of Christianity, not much was known about the Holy Trinity. In early versions of the Bible, there is not a single reference to the topic. However, in later works, scholars were able to identify where in the Bible the Trinity makes appearances, such as during the baptism of Jesus Christ, when the white dove descended upon him (Matthew 3:16). The Trinity can also be seen in Luke 3:22 which states “And the Holy Spirit descended upon Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, “You are my beloved Son, in you I am well-pleased.” This is talking about the birth of Jesus Christ, in which the white dove, which symbolizes the holy spirit, descends upon the stable and is shown to Jesus. Jesus Christ, being the son of God, is symbolized as “ The Son”, while God is ultimately seen as “ The Father”. …show more content…

The Father is seen a plethora of times throughout the Bible, yet is in fact, not cited as such. One instance is in Genesis 1:1 which states “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Here, The Father is labeled as God, the creator of the Heavens and Earth. This is seen many times throughout the bible, yet is never quite referenced as “The Father”. Another reference to the Father can be seen in Galatians 1:1, which states “ Paul, an apostle- sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead--.” In my drawing, I have symbolized the Father as a figure on the clouds. It is often seen as such by many scholars, and is depicted this way in may movies, such as “ Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” The common theme in all of the drawings seems to be a heavenly figure, God, inside or on top of a cloud looking over his people. Due to The Father being assumably God, I have allocated the drawing in the center of the Tri-fold, as to signify that he is the leader and head of the

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