Body Of Christ Research Paper

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During this devotional, I spent time reflecting what makes up the "body of Christ" to me. I hear a lot of Christians use this term but never have really pondered on what it means to me. Christ gave his life for us, and continues to live within us if we accept his presence into our heart. There is much judgment throughout life, not only to Christians but to every person and body. God says that we would be judged as Christians and held in a spotlight for our actions. Becoming the body of Christ first takes place when you accept him into your heart. Secondly, you come together with other Christians to form a body of Christ. When this occurs, you allow unity and make up a church body or a body of Christians to form and stand accountable for the righteousness of Christ. When you allow yourself to become the body of Christ, you have a stronger desire to treat life, others, and your body according to his will. To feed the body of Christ, you must intake the word (holy bible) to increase spiritual growth. The body as whole has similar beliefs and goals. …show more content…

Nurses make up a body of professionals that all have similar goals. Although, we are all nurses we may believe in many different religions, practices, and medicine therapies. Nurses usually come together in the work place to support each other, and work towards a common goal of patient care as Christians work toward living out God's will. Nurses have different religion beliefs thus creating a difference in the work place at times, and depleting a similar outlook for all nurses. Nurses likely have different goals in their careers, nurses profession is a broad scope and creating different goals for each

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