Heart Of Success Essay

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The Heart of Success
“I never see you singing in church.” I held my tongue. There was no way my Sunday school teacher had been watching me during all the songs – just to see me sing! Despite that, I became the loudest singer in church for the next couple years. Though I was only six, I knew I should not care so much about how I appear to other people. But, I could not help it. As I consider the journey of my past eighteen years, I understand how God turned my desire for others approval into a desire for His approval. He transformed my heart by pursuing me, testing me, and preparing me for success. Of the countless temptations, trials, and tests that I have struggled through, one truth …show more content…

This is the great and first commandment.’” (Matt. 22.37-38) My older sister, who recently graduated from college and is currently working at a crisis pregnancy center, explains the practical application of this success: “Success as a Christian student is not success in the classical sense of the word. Although good grades are nice, that should not be our end goal. In fact, if you become too focused on grades and completing homework, you run the risk of it becoming your idol. As a Christian scholar, success means truly doing your best and trusting God with the rest.” As for applying the second greatest commandment, she said this: “I also think something that is often forgotten is that people are always more important than schoolwork. When deadlines are looming it is easy to focus on that and leave people behind. However, people are created in the image of God and they were (and are) always His priority, and so they ought to be ours… You have to go to coffee with other girls and let them cry on your shoulder, and you have to stay up until 3am encouraging a brother to finish his paper…and you have to always, ALWAYS put Jesus first.” Success is not an appearance. Success is not what others think of you. Success is not getting straight A’s. As a follower of Christ, success means that your heart desires to magnify the name of Jesus above all

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