Health Information Technician Skills

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The article is written by the author, Xu. It acknowledges the most important skills a person needs in order to work as health information technician. The first skill a person must have is to be trained and educated in a program that fully teaches students how to use “specific medical codes, how to code accurately and how to use field-specific computer programs and technology”( Xu, 2013, p. 2). The second skill is being able to communicate and write clearly. Writing matters in this field because professions are required to write letters and make billing so it should be clear. The third skill points out being organized and detail-oriented. Accuracy is the most important skill that is required in the health information technology field. Inaccurate …show more content…

1-2). Finally, the sixth skill is that “health information technology professionals must have expert knowledge of medical terminology in the current procedural technology” (Study, 2015, p.1).This source is very credible it provides all the background information about it, such as the currency, references, authorship etc. The first thing that makes this source trustworthy is that the author, Xu, is a “freelance writer for College education who writes student-focused articles on behalf of Rasmussen College,” (citation) which makes her qualified to write this article because she is an expert in this field where she writes “engaging content to help former, current and future students on their path to a rewarding education.” (citation) This article is written on behalf of the Rasmussen College, which is well known its “for-profit private college and Public Benefit Corporation,” (citation) which makes it credible in that sense. This college provided a bar graph that shows the greatest to least skills needed in that profession and it shows the most needed skill was to be trained and educated, and have communication and organization

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