Head v. Heart in the Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

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Head v. Heart in the Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare The first problem posed in The Merchant of Venice is that of Antonio who is wondering the reasons for his feeling weary and down. Like a typical, well-respected Renaissance gentleman, Antonio goes about his predicament in an intelligent manner. He looks within himself, down to his centre of being to try and discover the rational meaning of his emotions - he searches to the very core of his soul. With clear objectives, Antonio uses his head and thinks philosophically. There is no hint of rash self-pity or bemusement, only incisive cogitation. This shows how Antonio can be a calm, measured man, capable of carefully thinking things over in order to come to the best conclusion - he can control his natural impulses and uses his intellect to reason. It reflects his attitude to his job and Antonio is evidently a competent and successful businessman. He deliberately fathoms out the cause of his sorrow and is able to comprehend the true meaning of things. Antonio eloquently dismisses his friends' reasoning, ignoring Salerio's vivid scaremongering imagery and responding with the measured, "My ventures are not in one bottom trusted" (I, i, l. 42). However, Antonio's response to a later problem provides a stark contrast to his apparent shrewd composure and calculated deliberation. Although he is clearly able to comfortable and skilfully trade with large sums of money in business, when it comes to personal relations, Antonio's apperception of important issues is rather lacking. His lack of concern in relation to loaning the indebted Bassanio an exorbitant amount of money is so absurd... ... middle of paper ... ...ttentive had personal issues not been involved. As it is, he swiftly agrees without even an infinitesimal pause for thought and says, "I'll seal to such a bond," even though Bassanio objects. This is unusually harebrained and unwise for a businessman such as Antonio, again demonstrating how he lets his heart rule his body. Throughout the play, we can observe conflict within characters between their heads and their hearts. When people rely on just their head, they are successful but often miss out on more subtle sensitivities, whereas always following your heart means imprudent judgements are made and it is foolish at best - especially when people are unable to return or understand your love. As the story progresses, the compromisers tend to come out best as they can balance their brain and their emotions equally.

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