Head Lice: The Allergic Transmission Of Head Lice

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Head lice lead to highly emotional reactions and it is not always easy to tell between misconceptions and facts. Here are some of the most important head lice facts about how they can be transmitted, what are the symptoms associated, and how to treat lice infestations properly.
Transmission of Head Lice
Lice do not fly nor jump but they are excellent climbers and walkers thanks to their six legs. They are spread by direct contact between different people's hair. Coming very close to the head of someone who is infected with lice is therefore a great risk of infecting your own hair. This is why children are mostly affected by lice, as they usually have close head-to-head contacts when they are playing.
Lice need human blood to survive, so they …show more content…

You can have lice even if there are no itching symptoms. Sometimes you will not scratch your head, as lice and nits do not necessarily cause itching.
Indeed, the itching is mainly caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva deposited by the lice at the root of the hair (during blood sucking), and this allergic reaction does not necessarily take place if the person is not sensitive to this saliva. You might as well have lice and not know it, or itching symptoms can appear several weeks after you catch them.
Head lice treatments will be useful but you can't expect to get rid of lice by only using a treatment. Indeed it must always be associated with a thorough brushing of the hair with a lice comb, and you should do it over several days or weeks.
It is useless to treat persons in the household who are not infected with lice, so you should only treat those who are actually infected. Make sure every member of the family has its own comb, to reduce the risk of contagion.
You do not have to use chemical products to get rid of head lice. There are a lot of home remedies and natural treatments that have proven to work very well, some of them even

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