Definition Essay On Happiness

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Since the beginning of time, humans have spent the majority of their lives, trying to attain the ultimate state of joy, called happiness. This feeling of overall happiness, has a unique and distinct definition depending on a person’s personality, beliefs, and moral values. Since people perceive happiness in their own individual way, the meaning of happiness amongst people has changed tremendously, throughout different generations. Over the last fifty years, it is evident in our society that the newer generations and the older generations certainly have different views on the purpose of life, and on how to achieve happiness. Even though the meaning of happiness, is constantly changing throughout different generations, I believe that the pursuit …show more content…

It is important for people to recognize that life itself has meaning and a purpose, which correlates to the feeling of happiness. In order to properly pursue overall happiness, it is pertinent that people live their lives with respectable moral values. In Emily Esfahani Smith and Jennifer L. Aaker’s article, “Millennial Searchers,” they discussed how today’s generation of young adults, have different perceptions on how people should live their lives. According to the article, the millennial generation believes that life is not about trying to achieve an impressive amount of financial wealth, but instead it is about finding happiness through meaning and by helping others. For some of these millennials meaning and happiness have marginally different definitions, where meaning is construed by having a connection with something greater than oneself, and happiness is defined as a more superficial feeling. Although I see that these opinions are compelling, I believe that in order to experience genuine happiness, a person must live a virtuous and meaningful life, where they sacrifice in order to benefit our

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