Hannah The Brave Narrative

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The story of our heroes begins early one Saturday morning. A trio of brave high school students set out on a quest for absolutely nothing. The leader of the troop was Lady Amber of Cuzzart; she was followed closely by Lady Hannah the Brave, Sir Noah the Not-Quite-As-Brave-As-Lady-Hannah, and the aptly named Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Essay. Together they set forth to brave the wretched landscape of a local renaissance festival, but what they didn’t know was that there was so much more in store for them. The trio’s journey began with a long climb up a steep hill. As they neared the top, a castle came into view. They approached the castle, and Amber held up her hand, signaling for the others to stop. “Hello?” she called to the empty castle walls. Suddenly, a head appeared above the castle’s crenellations. “Hello? Who is it?” a guard called back in an false sounding French accent. “It is I, Lady Amber of Cuzzart,” Amber replied, “Good sir knight, my companions and I would like to enter your master’s castle and spend a day at the festivities within.” “Okay,” he answered, “but I will need fifteen dollars from each of you!” “Very well, but if your master would like to join me and my knights on our quest, the rewards would be much greater than a mere fifteen dollars.” “What is your quest?” …show more content…

“Why is that?” “Uh, he's already got one, you see.” “What?” Amber said to her companions. “He said they’ve already got one,” said Noah, confused. “Are you sure?” Amber asked the guard. “Oh yes it’s very nice! Now away with you silly American folk! I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed ‘Amber Lady’! Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person.” “Um, is there anyone else we can talk to up there?” Amber questioned. “No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!” he said, and with that the head of the guard disappeared behind the castle

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