Growth Mindset Research Paper

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It is true that we learn based on skills and experiences; additionally we strive to be successful in all of our endeavors. Can mindset play a role in how successful we are in our personal and professional lives?
What is Mindset?
According to Professor Carol S. Deck, Ph.D; there are two kinds of mindsets: a “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset.” An individual with a “fixed mindset” believes that qualities like creativity, talent, and intelligence are predetermined, and that what they were born with is all they will ever have. On the contrary, an individual born with a “growth mindset” believes that through hard work and effort, they can improve their abilities; that although their creativity, talent, and intelligence may not be as developed …show more content…

In the attempt to define grit, she revealed that grit can be associated with how an individual may motivate one’s self by inspiration and enthusiasm. Grit and resilience are closely related, however the difference is resilience is the optimism to continue when you have experienced a failure but keep on trying, while grit is the compelling force to keep you on a complicated task over a sustained length of …show more content…

When you commend someone for a characteristic or strength, (i.e. intelligence or talent) it teaches a fixed mindset; and in doing so, the usually successful individual struggle when faced with a challenge. By expressing praise for approach or attempt, this facilitates resilience and reminds them of their responsibility in a successful result. By surrounding yourself by positive people, your actions reflect what you think about and in turn you think and behave more positively. When you create a setting that fosters positive thinking and growth mindset, you will begin to see that things you perceive to be detouring your efforts are actually supporting you. By meeting challenges with creative thinking, you adopt a flexible thinking pattern that allows your thoughts and actions to generate resilience and grit; and the more capable you see yourself; you build your self-confidence therefore, increasing your resilience. When goal-setting be sure to align your goals with a purpose; individuals with a sense of purpose tend to report more fulfillment. Lastly, take time at the end of your day for self reflection. When you reflect back on your day, you bring awareness to your successes. Some ideas for self reflection could be exercising, journaling or meditation; but taking the time to reflect back on your day it allows you to re-evaluate your successes and allows you to make modifications in your behavior as a

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