Growing Up In High School

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Growing up can be arduous. My family, friends and administrators expect me to have my whole life figured out by the end of high school. If you think about it, assuming you live a generous amount of time, those people are asking me to know how I am going to be able to give back to my community, or world, in as little as four years. Whatever I decide to do will stick with me for the rest of my life. Not a lot of people can switch up their careers easily, so administrators stress to their students to be cautious in deciding what to pursue beyond high school. This can be taxing on high schoolers. They will never know if the path they chose now will best fit them in the future. For example, a student chooses to pursue a career in the medical field. How are they going to know if they will enjoy their job twenty years from now? The …show more content…

This course challenged me and my math abilities. It was the most strenuous and exhausting class I have ever been in. Often times, I became frustrated because this class was not so easy like my other classes seemed to be. The challenged sparked something in me. Most students dislike math because it is rigid, however, it made me, and still does make me, feel alive. Nothing will come close to the relief and high feeling of solving a grueling math problem. Mathematics soon became my favorite subject and I realized in the midst of solving equations and evaluating expressions, I have a passion in math. This was a realization that ignited personal growth and I had a new understanding of myself. I understood why I was in school and I answered the question most high schoolers will never know; what am I going to pursue after school? I would like to continue my math career and spread my love for math. Whether, it be becoming a math teacher, or contributing to NASA by calculating equations like Katherine Johnson. Whatever it may be, I know I will enjoy the rest of my life with

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