Preparing for college starts well before senior year in high school. The primary purpose of a high school is to get students to go to college. The purpose of going to college is to gain work-related skills and knowledge on the career path a student takes which will eventually be their future. Also, students are investing a lot of money to attend colleges, so they count on high school to prepare them for what they are going to expect in college. For some the transition from high school to college could be difficult because they don 't have the right skill set that they need for college which they should 've to learn back in high school. The main skills are time management, good study habits, ability to set goals and maintain them, good note taking, organization skills, and commitment (Top 10). In high school a student probably used some of these skill sets but once a student gets to college all theses skills are going to apply. Take me as an example, the only skill I actually used in high school was good to note taking and a little of time …show more content…
A lot of time is going to be dictated for college for some it might take years until they accomplish what they want to do. That 's why it 's important for high schools to set-up and teach students the skill sets they need and also picking a career they want to follow when they go into college. With all this help from the high schools, I think students would be more likely to be successful in college because they will have all the skill sets they need from gaining them throughout high school. Other then that high schools should be preparing students for college because they at the beginning of the start of their careers. It’s clear that this is becoming more of an important issue because students need to be ready for what’s coming when they make it to college and it’s the high schools job to prepare them for
... a lot of pressure on high school graduates by parents and employers to get a degree if they want to make something of themselves. After being in the workforce over twenty-five years, I have experience well as qualifications that should make me more desirable than the twenty-two year old with little work experience. If he has a diploma, he will get the job before me almost every single time. That is why I am back in college after all these years. Attending college is a choice that anyone can make with their loved ones advice. Sit down with someone who knows you and write down your dreams and desires. Figure out what you would like to accomplish in life and investigate if you have a case for or against college.
As the economy evolves and the job market continues to get more competitive, it’s becoming harder to have a successful career without some kind of college degree. This creates a belief in many young students that college actually is a commodity, something they must have in order to have a good life. There’s many different factors that influence this mindset, high schools must push the importance of the student’s willingness and drive to further their education. College isn’t just a gateway to jobs, but it is an opportunity to increase knowledge and stretch and challenge the student which in return makes them a more rounded adult and provides them with skills they might lack prior to
Many high school students are unsure or do not want to attend a four year college. These students feel pressured into doing something they do not want to do because the expectations of high school students is to set off for college to become successful in life. Adults paint the picture that without college education young adults will be failures. Adults believe college will make you superior and an automatic success. But that is an incorrect statement. A hand full of students who attend college eventually drop out for many reasons. Some students do not like the campus they are on because it is too distant from home. Maybe they do not like the community or professors that are present at the university. They become homesick
"The main barrier is financial." (source F). Usually, the idea of becoming in debt at such a young age scares some, making college feel like it's no longer an option. Over time this has depreciated entirely what college is about and how much a better quality of life financially, socially etc. it can give you in the long run. Based off statistics 86% say that college has been a good investment for them personally (source F). For example for monetary payoff college graduates with a four year degree claim to be earning $20,000 more per year compared to people who did not attend college which believe they are earning $20,000 less per year. The quality of life, financially, is clear. With just a four year degree, colege graduates are living $20,000 better than that of a person who did not attend
Some students would argue that a college education is not a vital aspect of the future of children because it is too much schooling, costs too much, and it is not needed for their future. First of all, these students have struggled through 13 years of school whether elementary, middle, or high school. They have endured many long days and late nights to pass their classes. Although it is true that 4+ more years of school will be mentally tough and hard to endure, these important years will help shape
Society pushes today's youth towards higher education. The goal of grade school is to prepare the students for middle school. The goal of middle school is to prepare the students for high school. And finally the goal of high school is to prepare the students for college. The entire structure of education is to prepare youth for the next level of education. The problem with this system is that not all students are college material, as seen in the essay The Case Against College by Caroline Bird.
First of all, many high school graduates cannot handle college. Isabel V. Sawhill and Stephanie Owen describe college as a place, “one can obtain a traditional four-year bachelor’s degree”. The work load outside of the classroom could be compared to working a full time job. For example, if a student is enrolled in four college courses and is in class a minimum of four hours the student should spend at least four to six hours of studying. This may be extremely agitating and stressful to a student that is not good at studying. The new college student may realize that the schoolwork is too much for him to handle and instead drop out. In Pharinet’s blog post, Is College for Everyone? He states that “…it is estimated that in the U.S., approximately 50% of students who begin college never graduate. There exist students who are not yet ready for the academic and financial challenges of college. There exist students who do not have the desire for college or learning.” This statement is important because if 50% of students that begin college never gradua...
In today 's society, there are multitudes of pressure high school students face. One of the biggest pressures put on high school students is the decision of going to college. From the moment students enter into a secondary education, they are constantly asked questions about their future plans. Teachers and parents expect students to perform their best, while giving them no chance but to look towards college. In some cases, however, college might not be the answer. Other options exist as alternate avenues after high school, however, these are not as often expressed as the idea of a four year university. Although a college education and degree is most often more impactful than a high school diploma, there is too much pressure
After high school majority of parents want their children to go to college, graduate, have a promising career and start a family and this is the American dream. Of course going to college will earn you a career and make you financial stable with certain jobs. To earn all those things you need to work even harder to achieve them. Going through four to eight years of college is exhausting and time consuming. There are a lot of stages you go through during college starting from high school. For me I can say that it has been a long journey but it is a well worth journey because of the reward I will receive in the end. In college financial aid, teachers, assignments, and classrooms are different from high school in a major way.
The average high school student is not ready for college. Entering college as a freshman is a lot different from entering high school as a freshman. High schools tend to “think” they are preparing you for college when really students are physically and mentally not prepared. Student’s grades are inflated in high school, which is not always good. In order to succeed in college, some attribute you should have are study skills, time management, awareness of one’s performance, persistence, and the ability to utilize study groups.
Imagine walking down the hall of a crowded high school. Most of the students there do not envision how well school prepares them for college. Teenagers have few cares in the world! A vast majority takes the bare minimum amount of courses needed to fulfill school requirements. These graduation prerequisites usually do not come close to adequate, and rarely exceed sufficiency. Should high schools change current curriculum to better prepare students for college? The answer is simply, "yes." Consideration of why and how holds the key to solving America's problem.
The purpose of a high school education is to prepare one for college and ultimately, the workforce. By the end of freshman year, in high school, the average student has learned a sufficient amount of material in enough subjects that he or she can be considered "well-rounded" in his or her studies. This is because the rate at which material is covered in schools, across the nation, has increased dramatically compared to the past. Students now learn more advanced curriculum at a younger age, and this continues to become more evident year after year. High school has now become more focused on teaching students a small amount of information on several essential subjects, rather than having them focus deeply on the subjects they seek to pursue in their career.
In discussions of attempting to college, one controversial issue has been worth or not worth go to college. On the one hand some people argue that many students just assist to college to get the financial aid. On the other hand some people contends that a lot of students come to waste their time. Others even maintain that a lot of students come to college to get a better education and a better future. My own view is that I am going to college to get a better job and a better life.
Students who make the transition from high school into college have difficulty adjusting because many are not used to being on their own nor their new environment. Entering college, you come to understand that it is not the same as high school. There are crucial differences like the level of academic responsibilities, time management and scheduling, as well as the method of learning. College and high school are different in many ways but they both ultimately share the same goal in teaching students to learn.
Schooling is a very important aspect in our lives and one must go through many steps to gain a higher education. Two of these steps are high school and college. Although high school and college students aim for the same goal, which is acquiring an education and graduating, the demands, expectations, and social atmosphere extremely contrast.