Greg Mortenson Value Of Education Essay

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Greg Mortenson and the Significance of Education
Education is widely valued all throughout the world, but especially in third world countries. Many people don’t understand how many kids want to learn, but in first world countries kids think of schools as a burden. Greg Mortenson has always saw the value in education and made some childrens wishes come true by creating safe and comfortable schools that gave them the education they wished. Greg Mortenson spent some of his childhood in Tanzania, but was raised in America. He and his little sister Christa were very close, but sadly she had epilepsy and had seizures very often. Greg often loved taking Christa on trips as a break from her life. He was an adventurer, and when his younger sister passed …show more content…

This book starts where Mortenson’s last book Three Cups of Tea left off. Greg is continuing to build his organization, Central Asia Institute, that is working toward promoting education and teaching children the value of a good education. He is working hard to gain funds while tackling making new relationships and even getting abducted for eight days (Description). Mortenson explains that education is valuable for all people through his quote, “So for me, that THE LAST BEST PLACE sticker on my briefcase doesn’t represent a slogan or a marketing campaign to promote the owners of my home. Insead, those words affirm my belief that the people who live in the last places-the people who are most neglected and least valued by the larger world-often represent the best of who we are and the finest standard of what we are meant to become” (Stones into Schools 36). This shows that Mortenson believes that everyone deserves a chance to an education. If somewhere looks unfit for a school to others, Mortenson thinks it's the best place because the future is unpredictable and no one knows who will be taught there. It does not matter where they live, where there from, or what they want to become, they should all have a chance at getting an education to better their

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