Grayson Lee Griffith: A Story Of My Life

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Hi I’m Grayson Lee Griffith, I want to tell you about my story. I was born in Plano, Texas and I have lived my whole life in Texas. My name was thought up when my parents lived in California, they chose my name because there wasn’t any Grayson in California so my parents chose that name. Though when they moved to Highland Village, Texas so many kids were named Grayson. My middle name is Lee because my Nana’s middle name is also Lee and they wanted me to have the same middle name as my Nana. My last name has a heritage, my last name Griffith is an American last name but my family studied many faiths such as Christianity, Judaism, and Catholicism. Though before my parents even began thinking of a name for me they called me Boo from the movie

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