Gospel Truth Essay

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The biblical text Mark 13:32 is the gospel truth. The writing is a warning to be alert, be vigilant because the adversary the devil is coming to deceive you in believing a lie. Just as in the day of Noah, so shall it be of the coming of the Lord. Some teachers, preachers, pastor, evangelist, deacons, bishops, apostles and saints, have not taken the written revealed word as being the gospel truth, “for it is written”. God is the law and the final judge. Matthew 24:44, he’s coming at an hour no one expects. He’s coming at an unexpected hour, Luke 12:44. Keep a watch and be ready, for neither the Angles, nor the Son of Man knows? Matthew 25:13, Matthew 24:36, Luke 12:40. No one knows the day or the hour, but the Father. The Biblical text, Mark 13:32 have been challenged throughout the ages. …show more content…

These false prophets, prophecy predictions from an epiphany in prayer or maybe they heard the voice God speaking in their mind a special revelation given only to them. It’s embarrassing to believe God would reveal Jesus returning to just a mortal being. The Jehovah Witnesses made claims of Jesus returning and they believe they know God, his attributes and nature. John Wesley, Joseph Smith the Mormon and Jerry Falwell predicted the Second Coming. Each prediction broadcast thought out the lands of the Lord’s coming, a huge public theological (disaster). The Bible is the biblical truth, which justifies a person’s “spiritual practices, experiences and belief”. Mark’s gospel is believed to be the first and the earlies recording of Jesus’ life. Peter’s apostolic authority validates Mark’s writing and the Second Advent knows no one but the Father. Matthew 24:26 couples

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