Gmo Essay Thesis

1533 Words4 Pages

Savannah Raphial
Cultural Diversity - Senior Paper
December 3rd, 2014

A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. (GMO Education) In easier to understand terms, GMO’s are basically organisms that have been genetically altered from its original state. Genetically Modified Organisms are in everyday food and people don't realize it, and its not something that can just be seen. Looking at the box cannot determine if it is modified. Laboratories modify these seeds to improve desired traits about them, for example; the resistance to herbicides or to make certain animals not attracted to eating them. (Thesis Statement) This project is a ten page research paper along with a presentation to the class and a working model.

Genetic engineering is the purposeful addition of foreign genes to the genome of a different organism. This is a new concept of genetically modifying. To start off the engineering process, scientists must successfully extract the DNA from the desired organism. Once they have done that, they will clone that gene. The specific genes that they need from the whole DNA will be separated and cloned to make thousands of …show more content…

They allow us to create food for the hungry, for cheap. Nearly a million children die every year because they are weakened by Vitamin A deficiencies and an additional 350,000 go blind. (Huffington Post) Time magazine did an article called “Grains of Hope” , which said that golden rice, could help with world starvation. Shortly after Time magazine's article, Monsanto, a agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation, and other biotechnology corporations started a $50 million marketing campaign. The ads, have crop fields and smiling children and it reads “biotech foods could help end world

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