The History Of GMO Food

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GMO food is a word that you would probably heard about these days as it is used a lot in these days. GMO is the abbreviation for Genetically Modified Organism. It started with the foundation of DNA. Structure of DNA was first found by James Watson and Francis, in 1971 scientists were able to cut down parts of DNA freely, 1973 finally they were able to reconnect DNA parts from different DNA. First food that was revealed was a tomato which was not wrinkled. GMO food means food that was Genetically modified by humans. This definition might be hard to understand so to make it easy it is a creature that has more functions by gaining new genes from different species of creature.
Tomatoes: A plant which has tomatoes on top and potato at the bottom.
Beans: their quantity of cropping is 48% of world’s …show more content…

So, GMO foods are made to produce better quality and more quantity.
We are exposed to a lot of GMOs like corn oils, popcorn, even in ramen noodles.
One fun thing is that GMO foods are called franken foods, named after Frankenstein because Frankenstein is a novel that has story of one crazy scientist made a creature with humans’ body but the monster was not friendly with people so the Monster was so desperate that it revenged to people around the scientist. GMO food is what human beings are truly need. GMO foods makes the crop prevent from bad insects from eating it and change the genes so that it can grow in that circumstance perfectly so that it can grow crops much more than before. Also, in storing it can prevent from germs so it is more efficient. So it can make about 50 times more foods than original farming. now in earth human being are too many only in china there are more than 1.3 billion of people so, without GMO people in the world would probably be starving. The six countries producing more than 95% of commercialized GMO
:Other country producing commercialized

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