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Whether we realize it or not globalization has impacted the lives of individuals around the world. Globalization is described in our textbook as “the increasing interconnectedness of peoples and societies and the interdependence of economies, governments, and the environment” (p 3, Daniels, Joseph P.) Because of this increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of economies it is not surprising that aspects of our everyday lives. Not only has globalization shaped things you might expect such as career options but it has also shaped things you may not have expected such as cultural norms and gender roles. It might not be surprising to learn that economic globalization has helped to shape career choices. After all the marker forces of demand and supply would lead most people to believe that if there is a demand for a certain skill or occupation the wage offered for that skill will rise until the positions are filled. As the wage offered for the skill rises so do the number of individuals willing to fill the position. This occurs until the market wage rate is reached. Furthermore because of globalization there is more mobility between countries allowing individuals with a set of skills or education to move to areas where those skills and talents are valued. Recently in the United States there has been much resentment over the impacts of globalization in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Labor website this is likely due to the fact that, “trade may add more competitive pressure to one factor of production (say, unskilled labor) than to another factor (say, skilled labor).” (Lerman, Robert I) But this goes to the same point that globalization is helping shape the career choices of individuals. Being faced w... ... middle of paper ... ... aspects of our lives. Education seems to be key in order to remain relevant and competitive in this new interconnected and interdependent world for individuals and for whole countries. Works Cited Daniels, Joseph P., and David D. VanHoose. Global economic issues and policies. New York: Routledge, 2011. "Global Gender Gap." Global Gender Gap. 2013. World Economic Forum. 28 Nov. 2013 . "The Global Gender Gap Report 2013." The World Economic Forum. 2013. 27 Nov. 2013 . Lerman, Robert I., and Stefanie R. Schmidt. "An Overview of Economic, Social, and Demographic Trends Affecting the U.S. Labor Market." Globalization. U.S. Department of Labor. 28 Nov. 2013 .

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