Ginny Lesson: A Comparative Analysis On The Pursuit Of Happiness

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Comparative Analysis
Happiness is something all of us want from our lives. Most of us pursue happiness and believe that it is the ultimate purpose of our lives, to achieve eternal happiness. Here, there are two articles which talk about two different opinions on the way to achieve real happiness.
The first article written by Ginny Graves is about how real happiness is achieved through achieving peace and calmness and that events such as an increase in one’s salary or a promotion at work only give rise to temporary happiness. Such events as Ginny Graves explains are due to the release of a chemical called Dopamine which is a pleasure chemical and instills happiness. She feels that these materialistic things only bring about temporary happiness …show more content…

Even though, Ruth Whippman is a much more accomplished author as compared to Ginny Graves since Ruth Whippman has written award winning books on the pursuit for happiness and is a regular writer for more than 25 newspapers, I feel that here Ginny Graves comes out to be more convincing. This is because the first article uses Logos and mentions credible sources of information for every single claim it makes. For example, she cites credible sources of information and most of her sources are either credible organizations or academically qualified people. Ruth Whippman backs most of her arguments by saying that “research says this”, “research says that” but doesn’t mention the exact source of her information. Also, both the authors use different styles of appeal to the audience. Ruth Whippman focusses on a lot on Pathos which refers to emotional appeal by citing her own experience. On the other hand, Ginny Graves focusses more on Logos by giving scientific evidence to support her claim, which I feel is more convincing because I feel that one cannot make an assumption based on just one person’s experience. Upon additional research into this subject, I came upon an article by Dr. Robert Puff who is a PHD in Psychology and is an internationally renowned Psychologist. Taking him to a highly credible source of information, he believes that real happiness comes from peace of mind

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