Getting Back Up Is Wrong Essay

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People aren’t perfect, were not God, we make errors. The thing that separates one individual from the rest, or the ordinary is that when they get punched in the face and fall down, they get back up, but that’s not the most important part. The most important part is what you do after you get back up, what you learned from that experience know it sounds dumb, but some people actually get punched in the face, again right after they just got punched. Bloody nose and a black eye, is what they have but they don’t move out of the way, can you believe that? The most unexpected thing about that though is that most of people do it. You see when you make a mistake and then get back up is okay, but then make the same mistake again, sometimes without even …show more content…

Relaxing, was the beginning of summer filled with hope and imagination. As we all know, summer to and 8 year old is like a free world. This day was great I woke up late, according to my parents, but according to me I woke up right on time. I woke up and went to the kitchen even though it wasn’t breakfast time I asked my mom and she made me breakfast. The breakfast was warm, smelt delightful, and it was delicious. After breakfast I went outside to play with my little brothers Eli, and Solomon. They were playing a game with wooden shields and wooden swords, which my dad had built for us. The reason we were playing, and played for hours what fun we had. You know when you are playing for a long time, but you become tired. What we did was every now and then we would go inside and get some water, or get some parent didn’t like that we were going in and out so much and they told us that the next time we go inside for something we were going to have to stay inside. They mainly told us that, because they knew that, we would stop letting the cold air out. Eventually we got bored again, of playing in the front yard. We wanted to play in the back yard, but we remembered of what our dad had

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