Get Your Kids Started On Sewing Machines

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How to Get Your Kids Started on Sewing Machines If you have children, then you know if you are doing something interesting, your child immediately wants to be all in your business trying to figure it all out. This is the perfect opportunity to introduce the joys of sewing to your child. With the proper adult supervision, children over 5 years old can learn to sew with a sewing machine. You just have to teach them how. Tips on Teaching Your Child about the Joys of Sewing Machines • Patience: Patience is a virtue and it reigns supreme when you are trying to teach a child something new. Sewing machines are not hard to understand but for a younger child, they might not grasp the whole concept as well as an adult. You have to be patient with them. …show more content…

You have to let them come to you when they are interested, and you have to be willing to let them go when that interest fades. Some children might love the sewing machine one day and find it too difficult to deal with the next. Children are like that. When they come to you, gently direct them in how to use the sewing machine. If you have been having on and off again lessons, always take the time to refresh their minds about the things you have already instructed them on. • Don’t Worry About the Old Habits: It used to be a thing that you would teach your children to hand sew before you would let them touch a sewing machine. It is time to throw that out. While it is important to understand how to hand sew, it is not necessary when it comes to a sewing machine. We live in a technical age. Your child might express wanting to learn to hand sew later on. • Don’t Use a Child’s Sewing Machine: If you are going to teach your child how to sew, then it needs to be done on a proper sewing machine. Children sewing machines are nothing more than toys. They are not meant to operate long and most often, they don’t work at all. The best sewing machine to use with children is a simple model. The sewing machine should be sturdy and have the basic stitch patterns, so that children can learn the basics of sewing on a sturdy

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