Genesis 2: 21-22 Biblical Allusion Assignment

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Nancy Chang
AP English 12
Ms. Rose
Biblical Allusion Assignment

Adam's rib Genesis 2:21-22
God made a woman from one of Adam’s ribs while Adam was sleeping.

Alpha and Omega Revelation 1:7-8,11
Alpha and Omega is referred to as Jesus, as he created the beginning of all things and will bring the ending of all things.

Am I my brother's keeper? Genesis 4:9-10
When the Lord asked Cain where his brother was, Cain lied and replied, “I do not know; am I my brother’s keeper?”, arguing the point that he had responsibility over his brother’s whereabouts.

Ark of the Covenant Exodus 25:10
The Ark of the Covenant held the ten commandments bestowed unto Moses. The source describes how the Ark should be embellished.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust Genesis …show more content…

When the others told Thomas about the resurrection of Jesus, he refused to believe it and said he would only believe it if he saw and felt the hands of Jesus. It was then that Jesus came back down to Earth and took Thomas's hands, which convinced Thomas of God’s existence.

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth Exodus 21:23-25
An injury done to a person is justified if the victim had committed an injury of the same kind towards the person who inflicted it.

Forty Days and Forty Nights Genesis 7:12-14
It rained for forty days and nights during the Great Flood while Noah with his family and animals stayed on the ark.

Four Horsemen and the Apocalypse Revelation 6
The excerpt describes seven seals. Out the first seal comes a white horse, the second a bright red horse, the third a black horse, the fourth a pale horse, the fifth an altar of souls, the sixth an apocalypse.

Gain the whole world but lose your own soul Matthew 16:24-36
If your thirst for material goods is never quenched then you will not reach salvation.

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh Matthew 2:11
These were the gifts the three wise men gave to baby Jesus.

Golden calf Exodus …show more content…

Lamb of the slaughter Revelation 5:1-10
There was a scroll that needed to be opened but there was none found that could open it. The only one worthy of opening the scroll was a lamb that had been sacrificed for the Lord.

Let my people go Exodus 5:1
Moses tells this to Pharaoh, as God has instructed him to say this to free the enslaved people.

Loaves and Fishes John 6:1-13
Jesus wished to feed the crowd of five thousand who was following him, watching him perform miracles. However, there were only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. Jesus turned the food into a bountiful feast, feeding everyone.

Manna from Heaven Exodus 16:14-15
God turned the ice on the ground into bread for the starving Israelites to eat.

Mark of Cain Genesis 4:15-16
God’s punishment for Cain for having murdered his own brother was ostracizing him. Cain was fearful that someone would soon kill him. God responded that anyone who killed Cain would have an even worse fate, and he put a mark on

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