Generations In The Workforce, Baby Boomers, Generation X, And Generation Y

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Currently there are 3 major generations in the workforce, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. The two biggest clash is seen between the largest generation gap, Boomers and Generation Y. The two generations have contradictory work preferences. “Boomers obsession with work vs Generation Y's flexibility, Baby Boomers preference for autonomy and Generation Y's for collaboration and working in teams, Baby Boomers respect for workplace hierarchy against Generation Y's preparedness to challenge management and so on” (Helyer & Lee, 2013). “Some generational differences can be addressed through effective human resource management. For example, organizations train managers to provide frequent feedback to members of Generation Y, and they show respect for older generations’ hard work and respect for authority by asking them to mentor younger workers” (Raymond, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2014).
However with these differences, there are also similarities between the generations. There is a reason that these different generations with dissimilar perspectives are within the same organization. All generations in the workforce value rewards. They look for the same job features, which are a job that is stimulating, where there are opportunities for growth, and additionally where the salary and management of the association is respectable. It is a known notion across generations that technology is needed to increase efficiency, effectiveness and productivity, however the biggest difference is in the application (Srinivasan, 2012). The best way to have all means met by the diverse generational workforce is by implicating a high-performance work system where the organization has the best possible fit between their social system (people...

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Outlook: There are several paid leave bills pending in Congress, but advocates are focused on two in particular. H.R. 1286 and S. 631, the Healthy Families Act (HFA), would require nearly all employers to provide employees with up to 56 hours of paid sick time in a calendar year. S. 1810 and H.R. 3712, the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act, would provide partial wage replacement funded through a .4 percent employer and employee payroll tax for eligible leaves under the FMLA.SHRM’S 2014 Guide to Public Policy iSSueS 23 With Republicans in control of the House of Representatives, it is unlikely either of these bills will advance. It is expected, however, that these issues will take center stage in 2014 at the White House Summit on Working
Families. In addition, several states and localities are likely to consider paid leave mandates in 2014.

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