Generational Work And Leadership Summary

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According to the International Labor Organization (2010), the United States of America workforce is comprised of four generations, to include ages ranging from over 70 to under 30. Seipert and Baghurst (2014) wrote about the changes in the American workforce with respect to becoming more generationally diverse. Organizations find themselves in challenging situations, attempting to meet the needs of four generations spanning over 30 plus years of experiences. These needs cover such topics as technology, collaboration, job expectations and leadership style preferences (VanMeter ,Grisaffe, Chonko, and Roberts 2012). The idea of generations has been around for sometime, yet the idea of several generational in the workforces is something …show more content…

The review places each of these variables in the context of the literature focused on the role they plan in generationally diverse organizations and workforce. Summaries of seminal generational theorist are presented first. Then, related literature on generational work and leadership preferences will be discussed. A review of transformational and transactional leadership theories will follow the generational discussion. Finally, a summary of the more recent literature on generational diversity in the work place will concluded this review, along with implications for …show more content…

Salahuddin (2010) provides a summary of four cohorts that remain in the workplace and the historical events that shape generations. Traditionalist or Veterans (1922-1943) experienced World War II, The Great Depression, and the formation and rise of labor unions. The Baby Boomers (1943-1960) experienced such events as Vietnam War, The Civil Rights Movements, and assassinations of key political influences. Generation Xers (1960-1981) had there set of historical challenges such as latchkey kids, single parent homes, computers and the Challenger. Lastly, the Millennials or Nexters (1981-2000) experienced such events as computers, schoolyard violence such as Columbine and Oklahoma City bombing. Salahuddin goes on to discuss the importance of understanding the events that have effect each generational to create a work environment that is harmony. Noted by Salahuddin (2010) generational difference are present in the workplace and impact the organizations

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