General Classes Never Taken In College Essay

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General Courses Never Taken In College The time when high school gets out, to the time when college starts, is the the time to spend money and get into debt really fast. Truly, college deserves to be less strict towards general educational classes and more towards classes that intrigues one another. College is in fact, a waste of time due to the lack of knowledge we already knows, way too much money to afford, and isn’t even worth it towards the end taking general courses. Students are meant to have time on their hands when it comes to working for your future. The opportunity to be able to do something you want to do, slims down quickly while enrolled in college. A quote from a researcher once said, “When you don’t have control of your time, it’s easy to end up feeling rushed and overwhelmed.” (Time). Time isn’t just a tool to waste on, but a tool to help with …show more content…

General classes aren’t bad and they do teach great and helpful things, but why learn it, if you don’t want to? The point on going to college, is to learn something the user desires and expand that knowledge to focus on a career. From the time students were preschoolers to the time they graduated high school, they always had general classes they learned. Elise Martorano continues the article saying, “I believe that the Gen Ed classes should only be required for undeclared students.” (Time) Students shouldn’t be forced into something they don’t want to learn. If somebody doesn’t have a desire to learn about the subject, then the student won’t care if they pass or fail. General classes shouldn’t get in our way unless we desire to. The majority of the people know what they want to be, but why learn biography in a music career? That is why college is in fact, a waste of time due to the lack of knowledge we already knows, way too much money to afford, and isn’t even worth it towards the end taking general

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