There Should Not Be Any Required Courses In College
There are many arguments to support the abolishment of core classes in college. One reason is a financial one: a great bulk of tuition money that the students pay to college is for their courses. It is not right to have the college take this money and make the student's decisions for them. The students should have the right to make this
decision on their own. This does not only make for unwisely spent funds, but also unhappy students who are therfore not going appreciate a forced class.
Secondly, college is where a person goes to discover him/herself. This is one of the many goals of the college system, and that discovery process is hindered by unneeded, mandatory classes. Students should be able to try many different classes to discover what interests them the most, not to be fed knowledge that they very well might know already (and is perhaps of no interest to them). If required courses were eliminated, it would free up much time that students could then use to pursue their own interests. College exists to help people become unique individuals, not to put every person into the same standard mold.
Thirdly, college selection systems are designed to admit most students on the basis of what they know already (after all, the purpose of high school is to prepare you for college). If the selection system was actually accurate or efficient, they would have chosen students who already knew the material that was required, thus not needing to take
the core classes. This would save funding for the university because they would not have to teach redundant classes that only review what a student knows.
For an institution that promotes self discovery and educational freedom, mandatory courses seem to be dogmatically needless.
College can’t teach us everything’s. For example college can’t give us the job experience, only give us the education of the knowledge, and I believe their all lot thing need to be learn in the society. Many people who get a college degree but can’t find a job, which mean they waste there youth and their parent’s money to support their child go to college, and even can’t find a job after a college
... a tedious process, but the change can have immense, positive effects for the future college student. The ACT and SAT that supposedly measure a student's learning potential through multiple-choice questions should be replaced by a test of a student's desire to learn determined through the analysis of essays, recommendation letters, and school or community involvement. This change can result in a more academically motivated freshman class. Standardized testing in its current form does not accurately measure most students' learning potential. It does not allow for diversity and creates a huge hurdle for many potential academic achievers. An adjustment to a diverse, open testing format of the ACT or SAT and a stress on the student's other academic accomplishments can accurately measure the student's desire to learn, therefore measuring the student's learning potential.
American society has started to take education for granted. Today it is so easy for most anyone to afford or to be accepted into a college that you wind up with people being here to socialize instead of learn and that leads to a decline in overall performance because it turns the atmosphere away from learning and into more of a four year party before the real world. Society seems to show college as a next step, almost if its a responsibility instead of a choice which hurts not only themselves but at the same time serving as a distraction for the people who are aspiring to do something better with their life. These dedicated individuals deserve better than to be forced into an environment where they are subjugated to a mass of people who would rather party than learn. The real students have enough to deal with as it is but forcing people to go to class would only exacerbate the situation forcing focus driven students to have important cla...
There is a two word phrase in a thirty-one word sentence that has caused one of the largest debates in the U.S. history. The wording of the Pledge of Allegiance has been debated since the phrase “under God” was added in 1954. It was on Flag Day in 1954 that President Eisenhower and congress changed the phrase “one nation indivisible” to “one nation, under God, indivisible" (Haynes, Chaltain, and Glisson 154). The Knights of Columbus had urged the change to make it different than similar pledges that were recited by “godless communists” (O’Connor 1). Congress had also believed that it was consistent with the religious roots of the country at the time (Haynes, Chaltain, and Glisson 154). Ever since that day in 1954 there has been controversy whether the phrase “under God” should be incorporated into the Pledge of Allegiance. The Pledge of Allegiance was originally written and published in 1892 without the phrase “under God”. Since then the Pledge of Allegiance has been a significant pledge that children have recited in schools all across the U.S. each and every day. At one, time, refusing to salute the flag would result in expulsion, loss of friends, and even persecution (Haynes, Chaltain, and Glisson 152). The Pledge of Allegiance should continue to be recited in schools across the country, yet the phrase “under God” should be optional because it may conflict with some people’s religious beliefs, some people find it to be unconstitutional, and some people think that church and state should be kept separate.
The original Pledge of Allegiance was meant as an expression of patriotism, not religious faith and made no mention of God. The pledge was written in 1892 by the socialist Francis Bellamy. He wrote it for the popular magazine Youth's Companion on the occasion of the nation's first celebration of Columbus Day. It’s wording omitted reference not only to God but also to the United States. “Under God” should be removed from the pledge for purposes of creating equality in different beliefs and allowing each American their right laid out in the constitution. These are the original words to the Pledge of Allegiance.
It’s the Supreme Court’s responsibility to make sure there is an equal chance for fairness. Only the Supreme Court can override the decision to not remove “under God” from the pledge. The Supreme Court also controls the opportunity for this case to even appear before them in court. It’s their responsibility to see that the pledge is without alienation and controversy
Ayoob, M. (2007) The Many Faces of Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Muslim
Globally coastal wetlands are disappearing at an alarming rate, the problem is most of society does not realize the value of these precious wetlands. Coastal wetlands provide an important role in the coastal ecosystem. “Coastal wetlands provide critical services such as absorbing energy from coastal storms, preserving shorelines, protecting human populations and infrastructure, supporting commercial seafood harvests, absorbing pollutants and serving as critical habitat for migratory bird populations”(Anonymous, 2011). Coastal wetlands are an economical asset as well as an environmental one.
My first reason why general education classes should not be required in college is because the topics that they are learning have already been taught in high school. In an article by Jessica Williams, she summarizes it by saying, “We spend 13 years in ‘general education’ courses. Why are we wasting time rehashing what we already know we aren’t interested in when we could be spending that time adding to our resumes” (Williams). For a majority of students, if they take a class where they have already learned the material or even have a grasp on the subject, most likely, they will become bored and uninterested in their sch...
Imagine walking down the hall of a crowded high school. Most of the students there do not envision how well school prepares them for college. Teenagers have few cares in the world! A vast majority takes the bare minimum amount of courses needed to fulfill school requirements. These graduation prerequisites usually do not come close to adequate, and rarely exceed sufficiency. Should high schools change current curriculum to better prepare students for college? The answer is simply, "yes." Consideration of why and how holds the key to solving America's problem.
Today, there is much heated debate abut women in the military with valid issues on both sides. Unfortunately, it is rare to hear both sides of the story. Because of this, many people form their judgments without knowing the full implications of those judgments. I have to admit that I was one of those people. I like to think of myself as an equal opportunities advocate. When I chose this topic to write my paper on, I originally planned on writing in support of full female participation in the military including combat positions. After I began the research on my project...
“Are political Islam and democracy compatible?” This question has been troubling both Muslims and non-Muslims living in East and West for a long time now. Contemporary Islamic political thought has become deeply influenced by attempts at reconciling Islam and democracy. Muslim thinkers who deal with political debates cannot disregard the significance of the democratic system, as it is the prevailing theme of modern western political thought. Hence, it is necessary for any alternative political system, whether it is religious or secular, to explore its position with regards to democratic government. In fact, a large literature and media publications have developed over the last century on this heated discourse of democracy versus Islam. While many argue that Islam has all the ingredients of modern state and democratic society, many other reject the phenomena “modernism” and “democracy” as a whole because of their “foreign nature”—alien to “Islamic values”. For Islamists and modernists, the motivation for such effort to either embrace or reject democracy often is to remove suspicion about the nature and goals of Islamic movements and Islamic revivalism or resurgence. But before diving into this discourse, one needs to understand the definition and origins of “democracy.” Although purely a Western ideology in its origin, there is no consensus on the definition of “democracy” as a political system. The Oxford English Dictionary describes democracy as: “A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives” (“democracy, n.”). In my paper, I will examine whether or not democracy and Sunni political Islam are compatible through the eyes of three revolutionary Sun...
In this book , Esposito provides a succinct, up-to-date survey of the Islamic experience, an introduction to the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its origins to its contemporary resurgence. He traces the emergence and development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics. He discusses the formation of Islamic belief and practice (law, theology, philosophy, and mysticism), chronicling the struggle of Muslims to define and adhere to their Islamic way of life. Equally important is the essential information Esposito provides on the contemporary world of Islam, from Muslim responses to the challenges of colonialism and modernization to the reassertion of Islam in politics and society.
On a whole, the idea of P.E. classes is a good, but to make them mandatory for every college student, every semester is absurd. Requiring a mandatory self-defense class for every college student would be much more plausible. Having certain careers, such as those going into emergency medicine, nursing, Police, U.S. Marshall, or Military, to take a P.E. class once a year or every semester would be more acceptable. It will put even more of a strain on community college students who are trying to get a degree so that they can get a better job and make a better life.
Wetlands serve many purposes and are considered one of the most productive natural systems in the world. They serve as crucial "pit-stops" for migratory bird, house several species of plants and animals, cleanse and purify water, as well as providing utilitarian needs such as flood control (Allen, p.13). If fifteen percent of the wetlands destroyed in Ohio and Iowa would have been saved (over the history of wetland destruction), then two-thirds of the destructive flooding that happened throughout 1993 in the Midwest could have been prevented saving the U.S. a great deal of money. Maintaining the protection and restoration of the nation’s wetl...