Why We Should Have A Diverse Education System

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Yes, we should have a well-rounded education to learn and improve as humans. It’s all depends on future generations. If we gave them useful information and motivation, there shouldn’t be as many problems later.
Furthermore, it’s important for the future generations to be excited to learn. This could be an issue for the education system and cause a lack of a genuine education. I personally have a hard time keeping information in my head for long term memory. For example, I had Spanish kindergarten through my junior year of highschool, and I don’t even use it today. Then what was the point of learning so much throughout the years if I wasn’t going to remember in the long run? I know I could have practiced more, but it was unnecessary for me …show more content…

For someone who wants to pursue a certain area, it could be a waste of time and money. You can’t retain everything if you're learning different content. It would be more difficult to focus on what they want. School systems should at least provide some decent knowledge on every subject and have diverse subjects available.
Not to mention, I understand there are certain subjects people may not like as well as others. There’s something for everyone and shouldn’t be any subjects that we should leave out. You never know who would be passionate about it, and the only way to find out is to open up and try everything.
Moreover, our curiosity will drive us into knowing more and expanding our thoughts. I believe that’s how we started in the first place, with curiosity and learning more from there. However today, those curious thoughts can be easily searched up on Google. I hope this will not affect the education system. Students may not be motivated to go to class or see people face-to-face. They need a genuine education with passion and curiosity; therefore, we need to make learning more

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