Gender Typed Play Essay

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Gender-typed play is a very apparent aspect of preschool aged children’s play experiences (Goble, Martin, Hanish, & Fabes, 2012). Research indicates that female children prefer to play with feminine items, and male children prefer to play with masculine items (Goble et al., 2012). It is also evident that children prefer to play with peers of the same-sex (Fabes, Martin, & Hanish, 2003). This could potentially contribute to why research tends to show the same patterns in gender-typed play. However, not every research study has shown this, so what, then, accounts for the variability that can be seen within these preferences in pre-school aged children, and why is this trend so apparent in this age group over others? Gender-typed play is most …show more content…

(2012) examined gender-typed play across social contexts in order to examine if the social context influences a child’s gender-typed activity choice. The varying social contexts they accounted for were if the child was playing with boys, girls, a mixture of the two, or the teacher (Goble et al., 2012). This is important to consider because the frequency at which each type of social context is present will potentially have an impact on the rate of various gender-typed activities (Goble et al., 2012). Research shows that children prefer to play with children of their same gender who engage in the roughly the same amount of gender-typed activities as they do (Martin et al., 2013). This pattern leads to children spending most of their time playing in groups that are sex-segregated (Martin et al., 2013). Due to this, there is the potential that children may engage more often in certain gender-typed activities than if they were playing with someone of the opposite gender (Goble et al. 2012). To determine if this statement is in fact true it is necessary to observe preschool age children and record the type of play they engage in, and who their playmates are; this is precisely what the present research represents and what Goble et al. (2012) …show more content…

(2012), they aimed to discover how varying social contexts effect preschool aged girls and boys in their masculine, feminine, and gender-neutral activity choices. In collecting data, Goble et al. (2012) used a time sample approach, where a child was observed for 10 seconds, and then the primary activity participated in was coded for on a checklist of 29 activities, featuring feminine, masculine and gender-neutral activities. In the end, Goble et al. (2012) found that both boys and girls prefer their respective gender-typed activities, but that this changes, and opens up the types of things they play with, when they are in other social contexts. For example, girls were seen to participate in more masculine activities when they were playing with boys, and boys showed more participation in feminine activities when they interacted with the teacher (Goble et al., 2012). These results help to guide the present

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