Gender Synthesis Essay

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When it comes to enrollment in post-secondary math and science programs are women discouraged or simply disinterested? Your run of the mill feminist will insist that the gap is caused by systematic bias, and that women are discriminated against in math and science. Is this an accurate reflection of reality or a scandalous omission of other important variables? Is it sexism or is it biological determinism that accounts for the gender disparity in Stem fields? My opinion is that there is no quantifiable systematic bias in educational institutions. A majority of women have an innate proclivity towards working with people while men have the same proclivity to working with things rather than people. I think that the disparity between men and women in some subjects is exploited while outcry regarding gender disparity in other subjects is conspicuously absent from our larger societal conversation concerning gender parity. The allegation of discrimination is a heavy claim, a claim that requires an equally large amount of evidence to prove. I have heard many claims of gender bias, but little evidence to support that assertion. For example, …show more content…

Chalking both of these partialities up to sexism would be simply inane, and bordering on the conspiratorial. Claiming one of these disparities is the result of discrimination, while the other is merely happenstance would be intellectually dishonest and inconsistent. The simplest explanation, and the one with no underlying assumptions, and no glaring inconsistencies is that women are more interested in pursuing degrees in communications and men are more interested in pursuing careers in engineering. Data seems to propose that this simple explanation is the best we

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