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Choosing careers motivation
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We each receive our own divine call from God. Sometimes this call alines with our own aspirations and goals, and other times it doesn’t. After the reading Gary Selby’s paper on Vocation I was left uncertain if my career goals and works were the same as God’s vocation for me. I have chosen to major in Sports Administration to pursue a career in the Lakers’ front office. This might also be God’s calling for me but, I’m at an uncertain moment in my life to know for certain if this is my ultimate calling. However, I believe God has lead me to Pepperdine to discover my true calling. Pepperdine will challenge me and help me discover the vocation God has planned for me. Pepperdine also had the tools to help me pursue my own personal career goals.
The FOCUS 2 assessment revealed somewhat surprising details about myself. According to the assessment, the careers that I was “recommended” to pursue were practical and systematic careers in fields such as business, finance, and marketing. However, I plan to enter the field of music education, a field that does not fall into the career categories of “practical” or “systematic”. My goal is to be a high school band director for a time period, then to teach at the collegiate level after completing more degrees. I trust God to show me the paths I should take toward my eventual career.
Phil Jackson is a well-known man in the basketball world, as a championship coach and leader. Not only for his knowledge of basketball was he considered great, it was also for his use of alternative spiritual methods to assist his coaching. Through his Naturalist and Pantheist worldview he left a legacy of a role model. Phil Jackson’s views about the nature of God, career, and family are ultimately shaped by his worldview of Naturalism and Pantheism. Comparing my worldview of Christianity to Phil Jackson’s nature of God, career, and family, we will determine whether the role model status is relevant to how I perceived a role model.
Gary Collins, a Christian counselor, helps individuals to comprehend their full potential using a God-centered way of coaching. He believes that, through coaching, an individual builds up a vision for their life and a desire for a good future. The book aids coaches to acquire skills that they require to help others, to emerge winners during difficult and challenging moments in their life. The book is also designed to develop Christian coaches’ in questioning, listening and responding. These can help Christian coaches to assess themselves and build up a strategy for their work.
When I listen to God, I hear him directing me to my vocation. I believe my calling is to be a doctor and help others as best as I can. I feel that attending Saint Ursula Academy would provide me with a strong educational platform to prepare me for college and fulfill my vocation. Being a doctor requires a great amount
attending CCU, was the day that I decided that I was going to become a Pastor. Before I get into
God has created me with a specific purpose and with God’s help I know I can discover my true calling. Every one of us has three specific callings:
Vocation, when hearing this word you might think of a special calling, or even perhaps religion, but everyone and anyone has a vocation. They just need to find it. It is this journey of finding your vocation that many of us find hard, but it is an important journey to make. How else will we find what will make us happy in life or what we can do to make the world a better place? One way to uncover your hidden vocation is by taking quizzes and tests that focus on what motivates or what your strengths are you like MCORE or Strengths. Through these tests and quizzes we can begin to get a glimpse of our inner calling called vocation.
In the process of discovering purpose, we often remain naive to the impact of finding our purpose. In a moment of emotional ambition,
In todays society, people want and desire to succeed in all they do, thinking that it will bring happiness, and better things into their life. While there’s nothing wrong with holding higher positions, we must remember to always give God the credit for our successes in life.
As an international undergraduate student earning a Bachelor of Science degree in biology at Suffolk University, I had every intention of becoming a Scientist. However, while I completed an internship, a few part time positions and full time administrative/support positions in the field, I realized that I no longer desired to pursue this as a career. Although I valued doing hands-on research, and assisting people in bettering themselves, I found that the field did not call for the formation of more skills, relationships or engaging in mutual mentorship with other scientist to the level that I desired and had experienced through interactions with fellow researchers as a young professional. As a result of this realization, I decided to apply for a lab inventory specialist position in a pharmaceutical company after graduation.
To pray for, love on, and disciple those who the world has gave up on. This is what God has called me to do. And Colorado Christian University can play a major part in that vision by helping me receive a better understanding and education. You see my past, present, and future vision is all entangled up in one to fulfill a commission given by our Lord for everyone who believes. With the experience I have already been blessed to encounter thus fare in my life; the education will not only educate me on many areas that will help the vision but also give hope to all those who may have been down the same path I once was on. To give them hope that if a hopeless, heroin addicted gang member can further his education, “so can I”. My past drives me to reach greater limits of education for a personal satisfaction. My present will encourage others to pursue their dreams. The education I desire to receive from Colorado Christian University will better equip me to fulfill the vision God has for me. The ultimate goal for this desired education is to win more souls and better train disciples for Christ. This is the goal and education is one of the
Being the first to attend college in my family, it was hard to decide what field I wanted to go into. There were so many choices. In making such a large lifelong decision, I decided to follow my heart. I thought back to when I was in high school at Narrows. I had a wonderful experience there. I also had some great, inspiring teachers. One teacher sticks out clearly to me. It was my AP Biology class my senior year.
...ersonally, professionally, and spiritually. Many of the instructor’s non-judgmental attitude, patience, caring, educational, and experience has helped me to achieve and improve overall at GCU. The knowledge that I study from GCU will allow me to continue my higher education, which will prepare me for the future, and for making a difference in someone life.
If we try to live our lives without searching for or finding what it is God is calling us
Taking various college-level courses throughout my high school career taught me that my calling was to be a Pediatrician who still stuck close to his faith. During my sophomore year of high school, I decided to join the youth group of my Church -- Saint Michael Parish. After the first few meetings of me being my awkward self, I said to myself, “This is where I want to be.” From then on, I was seen around the Parish at least two times a week. At the start of my junior year, I was asked to join the Core Team of Youth Group and the Confirmation 2 Retreat Team who works hand in hand with the Youth Coordinator, Arla Sigarlaki. And recently, I was asked to be one of the two leaders that would lead the Retreat Team that I was just on a year ago. And from there, as I enter my senior year of high school, I decided what I wanted my future to look like: a Pediatrician with a big family that is also a faithful