Friendship: Friendship And Friendship

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Friendship is something we 've all experienced. And, from the wise words of Dr. Seuss, "be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind." The ability to care without judgement is a magnificent quality seeing as we all know some best friends can take “be who you are” and “say what you feel” to a whole other level. These are the friends who care, who encourage, who force you to put yourself out there. The ones who make you eat your green eggs and ham (even when you don’t want to). We all need someone like this in our lives. Someone who is there for you no matter what, and Oh the Places You’ll Go with a pal like that. What makes a best friend such a crucial person in your life? Or, where
Friends have no difficulty with being themselves since they’re a package deal, much like Thing 1 and Thing 2. How many times has one of your friends been a real Grinch but you love them the same regardless? Friends are known for caring and sharing and sincerely being themselves, but that just comes with the territory. They are the person you come to for every, much to personal, conversation. You and your bestie can dish it out, from the people you like, to the ones you don’t. No conversation topic is off the table, whether it be food, politics, people, school, the future, or even bathroom schedules. Being yourself may sound like a frightening task, but before you know it, you trust each other enough to know there’s no judgement. You know more about them than any other person. And, you could probably write their biography filled with everything from their personality, morals, and accomplishments, to their favorite Netflix shows, future children’s names, and the way they tie their shoes. Being your true self around someone takes some getting used to, but there is no one better to help you Run the Crazy Zoo we call
These fights are quickly resolved and that’s just the first sign of friendship. Soon, you have countless inside jokes, far more than the average set of people should. You begin to know the other’s outfits so well you may also know everything in their closet. This later develops into you being the only person who can steal their clothes and eat their food, unless it’s ice cream or fries, then it’s off limits. This eventually leads to far too many trips to the grocery store and so much loaning of money, so you simply assume you’ve paid each other back by now. Of course, we cannot leave out that you tell each other everything, even a few of your extremely embarrassing stories. The two of you are more than inseparable, you become

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