Personal Essay: What Different Types Of Friends?

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Types of Friends
In today's society, We have lost sight of what friends are, why they're important, and what type of friends are equally beneficial to our lives. In a world of over a billion people, we all have to face the straight-forward certainty that we are all different . We have different views on society, global issues, and even friendly relationships. In order to accomplish a healthy relationship with different types of people, we have to be open-minded to all opinions.
Growing up, you meet different type of people every day. From personal experiences, I have come across tons of “friends” and not all friends are good. We have so many different types of friends sometimes it’s hard to know which friends are for you. We have the family friends, the best friends, the associates, and of course the fake friends. The type of friend you may be towards others will be the type of friend you will attract. So it is very important that we be cautious of the things we do towards people.
Firstly we have …show more content…

Unfortunately, best friends today has been taken out of its context. Best friends used to be about who was there for you at your lowest point when you needed to just talk, or who you knew for sure would have the notes when you were out sick. It was the person you could depend on and they could also depend on you without feeling unjust about it. But today we now feel the need to call the girl or guy we see the most, or who we have known the longest our best friends. When in reality, it is not about the time we spend together, it's about how the time is spent. Best friends are supposed to be the first person you call when you are faced with a problem you don't understand, but in today's culture, we pick our best friend off of who gets the most likes on social media and who knows what about who. Don't get me wrong, they're are good people who understand and value a best friend relationship, we just never seem to know how to choose

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