
594 Words2 Pages


To many people's opinion of gestures of affection are morally correct

and should be displayed anywhere one wants. Today's society has made any

form of publicly displaying affection out to be the unpardonable sin.

But why? Why should we have to hide the fact that we like someone from

our piers? If you choose to, that is one thing, but being force to hide

the fact that you like someone is, I think, an injustice to our right to

the pursuit of happiness.

I don't think that on the final of creation, when God made Eve for

Adam, God said, "Now Adam don't touch." I just can't picture a God of

love, which is love, saying that. I think that God may have even

encouraged it a little, if He needed to.

Publicly displaying affection is good for the person receiving the

affection because they then know that there is someone in this world of

six billion people that cares for them personally. Today's teachers have

been told not to even touch a student because the school might get sued

for sexual harassment. And, because of that we, the students enrolled in

the school, can't show our affection to each other. I mean just think

about it, if a student is going to harass someone they are going to do

it, but if they are just showing affection their is no reason for

alarm. I mean if you think about it, we wouldn't touch each other if we

didn't want to. So, all public displays of affection at school would be

consentual, therefore it's not sexual harassment.

Not only is it good for the person receiving the PDA, but the person

giving it is showing the emotions and stresses of the day in the way of

affection. It takes your mind off of the troubles of the day by giving u

a moment when your heart no longer beats irregularly, but because of

that simple, calm, morally correct act of showing affection for someone

else you are now filled with an inner peace. Not a peace where you can't

do anything, but a peace were nothing in the world can bother you.

Except when a person of supposed "higher authority" comes and says that

in a way, a small way, holding hands in the so-called place of learning

is incorrect.

Today's society has altered the thinking of people. Because of the

numerous sex offenders in the world, we can't show are affection without

someone thinking how much money the person receiving the affection is

going to sue for. Hand holding has been made out to be sex.

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