Frankenstein And Blade Runner Comparison Essay

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The pursuit of knowledge and scientific discovery throughout the ages has always been tightly woven with the morals of those that have pursued it. Whether for fame, fortune or more personal gains the responsibility of this knowledge and discovery is where moral boundaries may be crossed. The pursuit of knowledge can never be criticized, just the necessity for society and scientists to be responsible with their discoveries and creations. Shelly’s Frankenstein and Scott’s ‘Blade Runner’ both centre on the challenge of moral conscience, and the consequences when man attempts to play God. Mary Shelley and Ridley Scott are influenced by the different contexts of their times. Blade Runner and Frankenstein both draw on simular ideas but due to the difference in context and influences, the way these ideas and values are presented differ.
Both Frankenstein by Mary Shelly and Blade Runner by Ridley Scott were composed in differing contexts and due to this, they differ in their vehicle of representation. Frankenstein explores Romantic conventions, through the language, style and form of the text. The form of text reflects the context of Shelley’s time, with the use of a letter being the only means of communication throughout the post enlightenment period. The form being a novel illustrates writing and language techniques being the common formality of Mary Shelley’s era. In …show more content…

Much like Shelly, the world of Scott is in the depths of a technological advancement, as it progresses through the computer age and is affected by capitalist greed. Scott wove the context of his time throughout Blade Runner with the overload of technology and economic greed. The economic greed being present in the capital hungry character of Eldon Tyrell, who also represents the Wall Street power surge of Scott’s

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