Frame Of Reference Essay

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Option A – Frame of reference (Topic 2)
The aim of this essay is to discuss how people’s frame of reference may influence their communication with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, with reference to personal and cultural differences in values, beliefs, attitudes and customs, and how these differences may complicate sharing of meaning and cooperation in relationships.
Key concepts
Frame of Reference
According to (Atherton, 2013) frame of reference is very broad in understanding and has a lot of complex set of assumptions and attitudes which we use to filter perceptions to create and share meaning. Our frame of reference is largely influenced by our values, beliefs, attitudes and our customs or culture and this often influences our understanding, response and judgement. Each and every person has their own unique frame of reference in which they use to interpret messages when communicating. This makes the process of communication a very unique and dynamic part of our everyday life (relationships). According to (Du …show more content…

Communication is very complex and thus involves a lot of entities that work together in the process. The two types of communication are verbal and non-verbal, and their main purpose is to create and share meaning. Meaning is the stream of visual, auditory and other sensory sensors that serve as mediums of transporting meaning. The transmission of meaning allows us to interpret the meaning based on our frame of reference and filters which help us associate and categorize the message. This interpretation is influenced by our values, culture, past experiences, beliefs, attitude, personal goals and many more. (Atherton, 2013). Communication is essential for all relationships to grow and work effectively, lack of communication often results in break downs and

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