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Essays on leadership in healthcare
Leadership in the everchanging healthcare environment
Leadership in the everchanging healthcare environment
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Pertaining to my future career I would want to become a transformational leader by empowering the interdisciplinary team as well as patient’s to meet their goals. Essential behaviours and attributes that a transformational leader should include the four principles charisma or ideal influences, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration (Ruggieri, 2015; Judge & Piccolo, 2004). Speaking to the four principles of transformational leadership charisma or ideal influences that I could display to identify myself to the team as a leader could include taking a stand and promoting new ideas to the group while also acknowledging followers needs at an emotional level (Judge & Piccolo, 2004). Charismatic leaders want
Realizing that although a way of doing a task might have worked for years there is always room for improvement. Also, incorporating the aspect of taking risk in changing a current practice to see if a new one works more efficiently (Judge & Piccolo, 2004). A transformational leader should foster creativity in their team members and show that even though there may be a designated leader, the team members or followers still have a voice that matters. In terms of importance, transformational leadership within my future career will be essential. I hope to be working in the field of Therapeutic Recreation as a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) which is an emerging profession in healthcare. Advocating for change and taking risks will be key as I will need to show other health professions my benefits. Inspiring creativity, motivation and being able to lead a team and patients towards a goal will be essential. It will be part of my everyday job to create attainable, measurable goals for patients to achieve and I will be able to do this through the attributes and behaviours learned from transformational
Transformational leaders exhibit personal and professional qualities that other want to emulate and follow. These leaders advance the mission in combative environments. Transformational leaders propel the growth of the team through communication. Finally, transformational leaders leave a legacy that instills pride, moral, and determination for future success.
Bass (1990) states that transformational leadership is identified by different patterns of behavior. Firstly , transformational leadership delivers the charisma to be a leader in order to gain respect and trust. Secondly, the characteristics of a leader show efforts to change a purpose of the transformation process and to effectively communicate. Finally, transformational leadership proposes that leaders treat employees individually to show them attention and provide them coaching and advice to show that you care about your employees. However, Wang and Howell (2010) claim that transformational leadership is in every individual.This means an individual can develop their potential to enhance their abilities and skills to improve and overcome any weaknesses. In relation to group work transformational leadership helps to grow common values and beliefs, and to inspire group members to reach their group goals. In this type of situation, leaders treat equally towards members and to make them feel comfortable. However, on occasions problems occur during team work which puts a leader into a situation to overcome the condition. For example, if one of my team members has no belief in me to lead the group, my attitude towards the group and the member will change as they have shown a lack of confidence and interest in teamwork. According to Novicevic, Harvey, Buckley, Brown & Evans (2006) explains that authentic leadership is when a leader shows their individual responsibility in what they were responsible for in their organization. Novicevic, Harvey, Buckley, Brown & Evans (2006) discusses a particular style of leadership which is the matrix of executive leadership. This style of leadership occurs when a leader has lost confidence in them self. The
The leadership clinical preceptor that I have had the opportunity to work with throughout the semester considers herself to be a transformational leader (J. P., personal communication, March 23, 2014). The preceptor displays transformational leadership behavior characteristics such as showing charisma, inspiring and motivating the unit, viewing each employee as an individual (Yoder-Wise, 2011). For example, she makes an effort to get to know each employee individually by gaining knowledge about their personal lives such as likes, dislikes, hobbies, and family life front the point of hiring the employee (J. P., personal communication, March 23, 2014). She also promotes and encourages her unit employees to function as a team not as individuals (J. P., personal communication, March 23, 2014).
His or her actions can inspire others. The second component is Inspiration and Vision; this element assists the leader to look into the future. They work hard to ensure goals and dreams become a reality. Transformational leaders stay committed to the vision/goal in stressful times. “They set standards and instill others with optimism, a sense of meaning, and commitment to a dream, goal, or cause.” (Marshall & Broome, 2017). The third component is Intellectual stimulation. A leader with Intellectual Stimulation keeps probing and challenges the existing knowledge or ways various task is carried out. They challenge the status quo to make room for new and creative ideas to be innovative. The final component is Individual Consideration, which is an essential element for a transformational leader and a successful leader as a whole. They are servants who serve with humility, and according to Marshall & Broome (2017), they look beyond their self or personal goals. They are more invested in the organizational goals and
Avolio, B. J., & Yammarino, F. J. (Eds.). (2013). Transformational and Charismatic Leadership:: the Road Ahead. Emerald Group Publishing.
Why now? Why are we focusing on transformational leadership? Healthcare costs are continuing to rise. Some of the critical problems and active debates prevalent in many hospital organizations include the rapidly intensifying healthcare costs, funding and reimbursement cutbacks, and concern regarding the overall quality and safety of health care. “Healthcare systems have come under pressure to improve performance and manage productivity” (Botting, 2011). To be successful in the 21st century, there is a demand on healthcare systems to have a vision and executive and clinical leadership to inspire the change process and make the difference between success and failure in change.
Leadership is described as the behavior of an individual when directing the activity of a group towards a common goal (Al- Sawai, 2013). Healthcare system involves multiple related, interconnected relations with other departments and health care professionals from various cultural backgrounds; therefore, the understanding of individuals’ behavior and group dynamics within the healthcare organization is imperative for a leader and or organization to be successful (Bukowski, 2009). A transformative leader has the attributes that are necessary for twenty- first century leader to have to be an effective leader in a changing nursing service organization and the healthcare system. A transformative leader is a type of leader that collaborates, encourages, and motivates people adapt to changes with charisma (University of Kent, n.d). Study shows that some leaders fail because of
"Many researchers postulated that charisma is a popular attribute of leaders who serve in the change agent or transformational roles. Others believe that charismatic leadership was the most exemplary form that transformational leaders could assume" (Conger
I see myself developing into this type of leader by working to create valuable and positive change and empowering others to become leaders that also create valuable and positive change that they believe in. I will empower others to gain a sense of identity and self to the mission, be a role model that inspires others, challenge others to take ownership of their work, and provide understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of others. To be a transformational leader I will need to display the ability to communicate clearly, listen, collaborate, empower, build strong healthy relationships, and provide others with intellectual stimulation.
It is effective leadership with each team member working toward a common goal and not letting personal self-interest become the focus (Sullivan, 2012). My goal is to motivate the members to be accountable and focus on the goal of the organization and make a positive impact in the community. When the manager’s leadership interpersonal skills are effective, it impacts employees in a positive manner which leads to more productive team work and more positive work environment. For example, helping a team member with a difficult assignment or relieving them for a break. Transformational leaderships work towards a common goal, usually the mission of the hospital which seeks to serve its clients in a professional and compassionate manner which, therefore reinforces this type of leadership.
Transformational leaders focus on motivating and empowering staff whereas transactional leaders do not. When staff feel they are appreciated and valued they are more apt to provide better patient care. When patients are satisfied then outcomes are positive. This is one of the main reasons why Davidhizar & Robbins feel that transformational leadership should be the new wave in healthcare today. If organizations realized how much can change by simply implementing change from the inside out then the mission, vision and values of the organization can be
According to Yoder-Wise (2015), a leader can be defined as, “an individual who works with others to develop a clear vision of the preferred future and to make that vision happen” (p 35). As employees, we often have our own ideal of a good leader, which may be influenced by experiences and perception of workplace norms. While one’s opinion of an effective leader may vary, there are several recognized leadership theories. The following will focus on the transformational leadership approach.
Transformational leadership is one of the most popular leadership styles. According to Kendrick (2011), “Transformational leadership involves four factors: 1. idealized influence, 2. inspirational motivation, 3. intellectual stimulation, and 4. individual consideration.” These four factors make transformational leadership have an impact on followers. The goal of transformational leadership is to cause a positive change in individuals, help motivate them, and develop a leader within each individual.
...uired to be a transformational leader, because with those skills you can reach your goals with high degrees of success.
Transformational leadership focuses on what the leader can accomplish instead of his personal characteristics and how his relationship with others. This leader “helps to bring about major, positive changes by moving group members beyond their self-interests and toward the good of the group, organization, or society (Dubrin, 2007, p. 84). The essence of this leader is to develop and transform people.