Found Land Of Virgina, And Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

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There are many different definitions of literature. Literature to some would be any written work that holds a meaning. For others, literature may be just any written work. Neither of these should be the definition of literature. Literature should be a piece of art, not a pamphlet or a sermon preaching souls to hell. The beginnings of American literature are hard to classify as literature. The country was just beginning and filled with immigrants whom still read and wrote about their home country. Pieces such as Christopher Columbus’s “Journal of the First Voyage to America”, Thomas Harriot’s “A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virgina,” and Johnathon Edwards’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” are not what should be considered literature. Sermons, travel journals, and pamphlets are not literature. …show more content…

These are pieces written from different times of American history, but they have a story to tell. They were written with a purpose and are art. Nonfiction works such as Equiano are literature because of the content and purpose. Bradstreet wrote her poetry to tell the story her heart needed to tell. She wrote about her love for her husband and her loss of material possessions. Subjects that were very much taboo in her time. Equiano wrote his autobiography to tell the story of his life. He painted a vivid image of his life as a slave and how he overcame all odds. Irving, Hawthorne, Poe wrote pieces of fiction. They wrote the stories that they thought needed to be told for whatever reason. They wrote for art, for joy, and for

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