Foster Care Observation

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Processing Feelings, opinions and interpretation or analysis of activities This was a great week at my field placement. I had the opportunity to go out on a home visit and it was a great experience. I really enjoyed interacting with the family. There is a great deal that goes into a home visit. My field supervisor instructed me to observe the foster children in their home setting. This would usually make me nervous, but I felt that I was ready. I guess I felt this way because of my previous weeks of training and having a field supervisor that helps me understand the different dynamics of therapeutic foster care. Every day, I become more and more comfortable with observing and identifying different elements of each client. Although I know …show more content…

I had a chance to work in the child care room. My field supervisor instructed me to observe one particular foster child. She was a 10-year-old girl who has been diagnosed with ODD and ADHD. Upon my first observation I noticed that the child was very head strong. I immediately labeled her with the most dominant personality in the room. I did not immediately notice any signs of ODD or ADHD. She seemed like a typical 10-year-old girl. My thoughts soon changed upon further observation. The young girl started running around the room and not following directions, when she was redirected she would become argumentative. She was very clever. This made me cautious of her and I did not like that feeling. As a social worker I know I will have to be aware of manipulative behaviors, but it makes me feel like I cannot trust my clients. This is the hard part of social work for me, because I want to be able to trust my …show more content…

Competency 1 addresses: Demonstrating Ethical and Professional Behaviors. Practice behavior 1.2 focuses on using reflection and self-regulation to manage personal values and maintain professionalism in practice situations. I used self-reflection and self-regulation this week when dealing with a client. The young girl I mentioned in my journal had angered me and I had to take responsibility for those feelings. I am always wanting to remain professional and find dignity and worth of a person, however this young girl had really rubbed me the wrong way. Feeling this way only reminded me that although I have come a long way as a social worker, I have more growing to do professionally as a social

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