“I believe the best service to the child is the service closest to the child, and children who are victims of neglect, abuse, or abandonment must not also be victims of bureaucracy. They deserve our devoted attention, not our divided attention.” these are the words of the 27th governor of nevada (Kenny Guin). The world we now resign in is the outcome of the decisions man has made. A system in which were made to help those in need is now the obstacle preventing their success. In the article “American foster care system needs work” the authors state “On any given day, there are nearly 397,000 American children in foster care, according to a report conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. That's enough to fill Tiger Stadium …show more content…
four times” (justin stafford). the foster care was set to aid orphans and kids whose parents weren't capable of taking care of their kids but the aim was to aid them towards a better childhood and adulthood. With the worsening of the foster care system, the foster care in the united states must to be reviewed due too many kids are entering the foster care system,and youths leaving at the 18 are prepared for adulthood. In the article "Failure and success in foster care programs”, the authors reviewed the progress of the foster care system and how much it has worsened since it was first available. For decades the amount of abuse kids entering the care system has increased dramatically. with the population foster kids increasing their has to be a drastic change and in order prevent kids from becoming homeless once leaving the foster care system, there has to approaches taken to aid the hundreds of kids that are entering the system because the numbers are increasing dramatically as seen here “ Approximately 20,000 youth age out (emancipate) from state foster care systems each year . In addition, the percentage of children needing foster placement has increased by 48%, whereas the number of foster homes available has decreased by 27%”. This is clearly a major issue, and to make matters worse once the kids have entered the foster care system the amount of time spent in the care is has also increased due to the process that it takes to either find a placement for the youth. Too often parent aren't fit to take care of the youth making the situation worse, as seen when in the article “failures and success in the foster care system” when the authors states “For decades, the number of children in foster care has steadily increased (Courtney, Piliavin, Grogan-Kaylor, & Nesmith, 2001). These children have remained in the foster care system for longer periods of time , and the long term outcome of the care they received is not systematically monitored or reported ”. With this being said having the kids in the care for longer isn't helping them at all, which raise multiple questions as to why we devote our time into new clothing stores and new roads and war machinery but there has been nothing done for these youths why? In the united states Forty percent of all adolescents that age out of the foster care system end up homeless and aren’t aided properly.
From the Orphan trains to the Children’s Bureau, foster care has been well researched topic in the United States. With hundreds of children entering the foster care system,The Orphan trains gave children the opportunity to be chosen by a family and to be accepted into another home nonetheless is difficult. Being placed into the Foster Care system is done so with the intention that in the future, permanent placement can be established for the foster child; however, many cases have proved that the transition from home to home has left adolescents ill prepared for the adequate challenges into adulthood. for example in the article "Balancing permanency and stability for youth in foster care" by Tonia Stott and Nora Gustavsson, an experiment was conducted to see if the multiple placements may have an effect on the success of the youths once they have aged out of the …show more content…
system. Youth aging out of the foster care system are at risk for poor outcomes. Little is known about the etiology of these outcomes. However, placement instability may be one contributor. Permanency planning as a policy was well-intentioned. However, for adolescents likely to age out of care, the policy may actually contribute to placement instability. A review of the elements of permanency reveals a complex concept which emphasizes continuity of relationships. Federal permanency legislation and state policy may be in conflict with this goal, especially for youth who age out of care. The results of the experiment clearly show that youths are both physically and mentally affected when they are moved from home to home. To better understand the how youths are affected multiple placement changes, another experiment was conducted in the article "The impact of changing neighborhoods, switching schools, and experiencing relationship disruption on children's adjustment to a new placement in foster care" , the experiments included 152 youths ages 6-17 who were residing with relatives or non-relative to better understand the effect of being moved from home to and and having minimal contact with loved ones.during they interview the youths were asked a series of questions about their new placements. And concluded that “In contrast, changing schools had a positive impact on youths' mental health, and youth who were separated from siblings were more likely to get along well with their school peers. Implications for improving youth's adjustment to new foster care placements are discussed ”(king, kya). This quotations clearly shows that kids are greatly affected when they are moved from placement to placement but there are still hundreds of kids that face this issue everyday. to conclude we as an american nation, the home of the free need to take care of our up coming generation before we are faced with a bigger issues that could have been easily fixed if the issue was identified and action were taken towards it. Though many may argue that the foster care system has given a home to youths that are abused, sexually abused, and no longer have parents or relatives to take care of the, what good has the system done if the youths don't have a stable home in which the parents or guardian can invest not only in their childhood but also their adulthood were live is the hardest.
However, despite this prevailing idea, according to “ Statistics on homeless Youths in America”, the author concluded that “ more than 25% of former foster children become homeless with two to four years of leaving the system, 50% of adolescent aging out of the foster care and juvenile justice system will be homeless within six months because they are unprepared to live independently and have limited education and no social support” ( Statistics on Youth in America). Though these reasons may be valid,the percentage of youths that end up homeless once leaving the care is to high making all the efforts put towards aiding them through their teens years worth lee. With this being said if there has to be another way to prevent the amount of youths becoming homeless to further
increase. with our population increasing every day laws are put in place to satisfy the crowed, with this being said theses laws have given adults the right use illegal drugs that later prevent them from being able to provide care for their youths so the foster care system has to step in to provide unstable place for the youths that isn't beneficial once the youths leave the system at the age of. in the united states the process in which it takes to make and remove laws is a length process. With this issue at hand it's only a matter of time until you drive down the street and see a homeless youth and you wishing there could have been something you could have done to aid this youth. You may say that you're only one person and your action or word may not matter, but it most definitely does because without the words of adults, youths wouldn't have a voice in this world. Each year, 100 million people/youths worldwide are becoming homeless. They have no shelter: they sleep on pavements, in doorways, in parks or under bridges. Or they sleep in public buildings like railway or bus stations, or in night shelters set up to provide homeless people with a bed.The estimated number of homeless increases to 1,000 million people if we include those in housing that is very insecure or temporary, often of poor quality. So you may wonder What our world would look like if there was a better way to aid our youths, this picture may be impossible to paint at the moment but imagine a world where everyone is given a second chance, imagine a world where every single child has a bright future in front of them or a home to come too, wouldn't that bee a future we would all want to see one day.
Furthermore, facilities frequently concentrate on “quick-fix” interventions instead of focusing on their qualities that empower them and concentrating on long-term aspirations (Heinze & Jozefowicz-Simbeni, 2009). For the most part, it is extremely hard to access health care for the youth population because they face various restrictions. It is not surprising that many homeless adolescents do not have a way of seeking services even if they are the population that needs it the most. Homeless youth are at a higher risk of adverse outcomes such as not being able to further their education, getting incarcerated, developing a mental health disorder, and engaging in alcohol dependency and unsafe sexual behavior (Heinze & Jozefowicz-Simbeni, 2009). Children without a home are more prone to live in inconsistent and harsh living conditions categorized by family and school issues. Although; many homeless youths do not experience desirable outcomes housing programs and similar services serve a primary support system to help reduce homelessness. Services that promise better living conditions are shown to enhance lifestyles and a positive development into adulthood.
This paper will contain research done about foster care, including a brief history and progressing along to the system today. This research interested me because it is a professional career option after graduation. I found both positives and negatives about the foster care system that children and foster parents go through on a daily basis. As the paper progresses I will be explaining these positives and negatives in more detail. Throughout the paper I will be referencing different scholarly sources that explain foster care in different ways. Overall, this paper will show different aspects that the general public may never know about foster care.
The foster system intends to place children in homes where they will remain until they can find permanent residence with an adoptive family. Sadly, this is often not the case with children placed privatized homes and they end up bouncing from home to home until they eventually age out of the system forced to enter into adulthood with no permanent family ties. Over the past decade the number of teenagers aging out of the system without a permanent family has risen from 19,000 to 23,000 per year. These teenages enter into the world without emotional, relational, or financial support and therefore possess a greater risk of poverty as well as low academic achievement. This causes many of these teenagers to rely on government benefits during their adult lives which places a heavier burden on taxpayers. The National Council for Adoption reported that the 29,000 teenagers that aged out of the system in 2007 will cost over one billion dollars per year in public assistance and support. These teenagers who age out are also found to be at greater risk of concerning behaviors, such as: creating disciplinary problems in school, dropping out of school, becoming unemployed and homeless, becoming teenage parents, abusing alcohol and drugs, and committing crimes. The privatized system does not have the best interest of the children in mind and
There is nearly 400,000 children in out-of-home care in the United States right now (Children’s Right). Just about every day children are being shipped in and out of foster homes and group homes. Most people want the best for children in foster care and decide to take care of them until their parents can possibly recover. The foster care system can have both a negative or positive effect on children, foster parents, and biological parents because of the gaps in the system. Foster cannot not be avoided but the some aspects of the foster care system can be avoided if the missing gaps were filled.
Addressing the needs of children in foster care has been an issue that has tried to be addressed in many ways. In 2001, approximately 300,000 children entered the foster care system, with the average time spent in placement equaling 33 months (Bass Shields, & Behrman, n.d.). Statistically, the longer a child is in the foster care system, the greater number of placements they will have, and instability increases each year (Bass Shields, & Behrman, n.d). I recently read a novel by a girl who was placed into the system at age two, and by age 12 she had already experienced 14 different placements (Rhodes-Courter, 2007). Stories such as this one are not uncommon in the foster care system, especially if the child is a member of a sibling group or
One of the biggest misconceptions that we have in our country is that foster care is a great thing; well, it’s not. There are so many flaws in our foster care system to even consider it a good idea. With constant reports of abuse, depression, lack of stability, to even the terrible after effects of the foster care system, like homelessness and incarceration; the foster care system hurts more than it helps. Our foster care system is bad for America, but most of all, our children.
“About two-thirds of children admitted to public care have experienced abuse and neglect, and many have potentially been exposed to domestic violence, parental mental illness and substance abuse” (Dregan and Gulliford). These children are being placed into foster care so that they can get away from home abuse, not so they can move closer towards it. The foster children’s varied outcomes of what their adult lives are is because of the different experiences they grew up with in their foster homes. The one-third of those other foster children usually has a better outcome in adult life than the other two-thirds, which is a big problem considering the high percentage of children being abused in their foster homes. Although, the foster care system has most definitely allowed children to experience the positive home atmosphere that they need there is still an existed kind of abusive system in the foster care program that is unofficial but seems to be very popular. Foster care focuses on helping children in need of a temporary stable environment; however, foster care can have negative impacts to the children and the people around them concerning the foster child going through the transition, the parents of the foster child, a new sibling relationship, and problems that arrive later influencing the foster child long-term.
Foster care needs to be reformed, especially when it comes to private agencies. Many people seem to overlook the issues embedded within the foster care system; all it does is take care of children, right? Wrong. Private agencies pervert the system with the nightmares they create. Foster children already feel unwanted and neglected because of the abandonment from their birth parents; private agencies provide them with conditions that further solidify their disbelief of care and love. Money comes first in the eyes of these agencies, followed by the need of control. This “control” can easily become abuse. It would only be sensible for a higher authority to intervene and put an end to these profound
The song “Independence Day”, by Martina McBride, gives the account of an 8-year-old girl’s life, ravaged by her father’s alcoholism. The song ends when she is sent to “the county home,” leaving the listener to wonder, “What next?” A life in foster care is next for that little girl and many others like her. Over 530 thousand children were in foster care in 2009 (“Sexual Abuse: An Epidemic in Foster Care Settings?”). For these foster children, their stay in foster care will affect their future for the rest of their lives. Research proves that our country’s poor foster care system results in negative effects ranging from poverty and joblessness to psychological and physical problems. Programs centered on family preservation, stability, and preparation for the future will help these children later in life.
To many outsiders, the foster care system may appear to be a safe haven for those children that are abused or abandoned by their birth family. This is correct, but the system with which it is based, has many flaws. A background check is mandatory for all foster parents, but a test to see if a child 's temperament matches that caregiver 's parenting style, is not. Now, this is seen as a minor issue, but there is not enough evidence to support this. Plus, there are many other, much worse reasons, why the system is not perfect. Altogether, the foster care system and a multitude of its rules are flawed and may actually be negatively affecting foster children.
According to the International Foster Care Organization “Foster care is a way of providing a family life for children who cannot live with their own parents.”(2004) Foster care is supposed to provide temporary care while parents get help dealing with problems, or to help children or young people through a difficult period in their lives. Children will return home once their parents are able to provide a safe enviorment for them. However if parent are unable to resolve the issues that cause their child in foster care their children may stay in long-term foster care, some may be adopted, and others will move on to live independently. (IFCO, 2004) Foster care has been a problem for many years and although there have been many attempts to improve it; it there still seems to be negatively impacting
With the worsening state of the economy there has been a steady rise in the rates of homelessness for all ages. The causes amongst youth homelessness include financial instability, abusive guardians, conflict between the youth and their guardians in dealings with sexual activity or pregnancy. This leads to a greater need for government assistance, welfare, charity. It includes those same youths growing up to experience higher rates of divorce and mental illness. They will have a greater chance of ending up in prison, in poverty, or even plagued by addiction.
Homelessness….. Many assume those who are homeless took part in some type of drug or alcohol abuse which lead them to become homeless. It is an ongoing situation that has not been fully resolved in order to lower the risk of individuals of the youth population becoming homeless. The age group for homeless individuals who qualify as youth is nineteen years of age and under. In the United States, dysfunctional families are occurring more frequent, which is a vital reason adolescents are running away from their homes. This alone puts many of our youth at risk of becoming homeless. When adolescents leave their homes, it decreases their chances of having a smooth transition into adulthood. Some adolescents may leave their home because
Based off the attention from modern media, youth homelessness has been on an unfortunate upslope in the United States within the past decade. Various factors tie into why this issue is becoming more prominent such as low income households being unable to afford children, LGBT youth rejection, and domestic abuse leading to children leaving home. Now, vagrancy has a severely negative impact on the development of young people as it inhibits them from developing academically, socially, and mentally and can also expose them to diseases and potentially various types of abuse, such as sexual and substance abuse. This is an issue that should be addressed, for the rising generations are America’s future, and so investing in the overall well-being of the
In an article written by Bolg.acton.org titled as Our Foster Care System Is Becoming A ‘Pipeline’ For Human, half of a million of children in the U.S are put into foster care for a short period of time or for a long time due to crisis happening in their houses. Some of those children are placed with their relatives if they are ‘lucky’ enough. However, in the same article, in an interview with Malika Saada of Rights4Girls by NPR, she stated various issues occurring in the broken foster care system. As for what is happening with the children that are put into various houses in which at times are being abused without the knowledge of the state. In other cases, circumstances are different and unfortunate as for those who are seeing as profit. As for the story of one of the survivor leader whom they work with who was trafficked from the age of 10-17-all through California, Nevada, and Washington states-seeing foster care as training ground to being trafficked. However, even though she knew that the foster parents were getting pay to take care of her, all she cared about was that the pimp told her that he loved her. The lack of love, affirmation and protection are the reasons Malika thinks children pledge to follow their commands. In other cases, the children are told that the checks given by the government is not enough, that the only thing that made them worth was the money they would bring in. Malika also states that 60 percent of the children rescued in a recent FBI sting were from foster care at a point. Child maltreatment is being reported by the FBI throughout all the 50 states as stated by the