Formative Assessment In The Learning Process

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Learning is a process by which a child accesses new knowledge or acquires modifications in existing cognition, technique, mannerism or disposition. In my view, learning is necessary for human being and it is common and a constant process through observation, involvement or participation. In general, one of the most common ways of learning is generic learning and this is applicable for all type of learners and in this learning takes place in a repetitive cycle, an ongoing series of process. It is very clear that learning needs to meet people’s basic needs to understand, appreciate and to evaluate the prominence of the learning process. People learn best when their physical and psychological environment is comfortable. According to Maslow …show more content…

Summative assessments are used to evaluate students learning at the completion of a specific instructional period, usually at the end of a unit, course, semester, program, or school year. Formative assessment(FA) is generally carried out throughout the learning process. In an educational system, formative assessment might be a teacher (or peer) or the learner, providing feedback on a student's work and would not necessarily be used for grading purposes. Formative assessments can take the form of diagnostic, standardized tests, quizzes, oral question, or draft work. Formative assessments are carried out concurrently with instructions and the result may count. In the learning process formative assessment is exceptional than summative assessment and it helps the students to identify their understanding about the subject and it gives chance to improve. In my view FA is ineluctable in the learning process, that allow the student and educator to form a more detailed understanding of the student’s abilities, which can be used to inform remediation, reteaching and instructional strategy. (

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