Formative Assessment and Conceptual Change

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The usage of formative assessment is not widely used in schools or employed by most teachers. In On the Impact of Formative Assessment on Student Motivation, Achievement, and Conceptual Change, this study connects two previously isolated but theoretically linked educational frameworks: conceptual change and formative assessment. The group of authors explored whether formative assessment would improve students’ motivation and achievement, and lead to conceptual change. The article includes discussion on the conceptual framework, research design, outcome variable measurements, and results. They had a very compelling hypothesis about the inclusion of embedded formative assessment, along with sound assessing strategies [i.e. overall consistency and validity measurement] to support their results and conclusion. They took the necessary steps to ensure validity and internal consistency when developing assessments and analyzing results of their study. I believe the reflections and future directions section is very beneficial to future researchers and educators, while offering valuable insight on the joint usage of formative assessment and other teaching strategies benefiting motivational and learning outcomes.

The article begins with a discussion adding value to the study, stating most evidence has been either laboratory or anecdotal based versus finding empirical data, following with the discussion of their conceptual framework. Their view of achievement: acquiring knowledge and the capacity to reason with that knowledge. The focus of this study was on schematic knowledge, specifically establishing scientifically justifiable conceptions of the natural world, leading to the idea of conceptual change. The well-known idea that all knowled...

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... experimental teacher training to yield better results. Our classroom textbook makes note of alternative implementation approaches to support their call to action. Formative assessment is not a single entity, it states, but rather a levels approach. Where school wide implementation is necessary, along with classroom climate shift, student-learning tactic adjustment, and teacher instructional adjustment. The authors state that teachers need tremendous support, school wide implementation and training, along with adapting formative assessment to the needs of their students.

Works Cited

On the Impact of Formative Assessment on Student Motivation, Achievement, and Conceptual Change

Yue Yin ab

; Richard J. Shavelson c

; Carlos C. Ayala d

; Maria Araceli Ruiz-Primo e

; Paul R. Brandon 1


; Erin

Marie Furtak g

; Miki K. Tomita ch

; Donald B. Young f

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