Formal versus Informal Learning

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Formal and Informal Learning environments for employees

Structured and programmed training venues are designed to equip the employee, supervisor, and manager with the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to startup, maintain, and improve services and products provided to general public on a global scale. Formal training is generally the focus of most organizations when discussing the return on investment in the form of revenue generation or in the case of governments, efficiency in utilizing citizens taxes in a responsible manner.

However, are formal training programs the vehicle by which the majority of employees and management alike acquire the bulk of knowledge needed to strive, survive, or prosper within the organizational structure, or is informal training taking the lead? Employees of today’s companies and agencies must recognize that they are in a dynamic environment that requires continuous adaptation, and in order for employees to meet their mission requirements they must hone their skills. While building their skills and knowledge base employees must understand the best way to maximize their capabilities needed to adequately address company’s future need by remaining current and engaging in the latest training via formal or informal training methods. This research project will review a study that was conducted to assist companies and agencies in ensuring their employees receive training in the format that best suits their ability to learn new information and techniques that will assist them in achieving their mission.

Through numerous conversations with leading Human Resource and learning leaders Josh Bersin (2009) concluded that companies must “formally adopt” informal learning in order to build high-impact,...

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