Foreshadowing In Saving Sourdi

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Saving Sourdi: It’s All About Perspective In “Saving Sourdi”, May-lee Chai foreshadows the ending of the short story by using elements such as creative imagery and characterization of different perspectives in the beginning of the short story. When she first appears in the short story, Nea instantly displays aggressive behavior in order to protect her sister from a man. She seemingly protects her older sister from a threatening man by stabbing the man with a knife. Nea tries to justify her rash behavior by say that, “he was hurting Sourdi!” (Chai 282). Throughout the short, Nea continues to defy rules and act impulsively due to her protective nature of Sourdi and sees her sister’s relationship with men threatening her own as the story progresses. …show more content…

In the opening sequence, Nea describes their move to ‘real America’ from “...the hot sweaty America where we lived packed together in an apartment with bars on the windows on a street where angry boys in cars played loud music and shot guns at each other in the night” (281). Despite already living in America, she has this idolistic dream of America influenced by the talks of running away when they are older between her and Sourdi. Their dream is never fulfilled due to Sourdi’s arranged marriage, furthering the physical and metaphorical distance between the two sisters. However, when she receives a phone call from her distraught sister, thinking the worst has happened, Nea goes to Sourdi’s house to convince her to run away. Nea describes Sourdi’s house as, “The lace under curtains before the cheerful flowered draperies, the flourishing plants in the windows, next to little trinkets, figurines in glass that caught the light. Every space crammed with something sweet” (292). However, the inside of the house is a mess: “Baby toys on the carpet, shoes in a pile by the door, old newspapers scattered on an end table anchored by a bowl of peanut shells. The TV was blaring somewhere, and a baby was crying” (292). These contrasting descriptions of the Sourdi’s house echos Nea’s confusion of fantasy with reality. Her idolistic dream of having a close relationship with her sister clouds her from seeing that has her sister has matured and no longer needs their relationship like she

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